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Attachment 3 <br /> <br /> WELFARE REFORM PROVISIONS <br />COMPARISON OF STANDARD AND ELECTING COUNTIES <br /> <br />Determination of Coun~ Status ...... -. [ <br />Notification to N~DHHS - Division of ~ounty by 10/31/97 must submit notification og Same as Standard ~ounty <br />Social Se~ices desired status, documented by 3/5 vote of [ <br /> Board of County Commissioners [ <br />Notification of receipt of preference NCDHHS must notify counties by 11/I 5/97 ~ Same as Standard County <br />NCDHHS approval of requested status Automatic [ Dependent upon review by NCDHHS; Electing <br /> ] counties' may total no more than 15.5% of I <br /> ~ October I caseload <br />Final Notification of Status NCDHHS by 11/15/97 I A~er review ofNCDHHS dete~ination by Joint I <br /> I Legislative Public Assist~ce Co~ission, a~erI <br /> [June 1988 I <br />Limitation on number of counties None ] Limited to 15.5% of caseload at I0/1 of each ye~ <br />Redete~ination ofcoun~ Status Automatic, unless county requests change / Automatic, unless county reques~ change, or loss <br /> ' / of Electingstatus/ <br />Progr~ Supe~ision NCDHHS - Division of Social Semites ] Board of County Commissioners <br />Program Administration , Coun~ Depa~ment of ~cial Semites / Dete~ined by Board of Co~issioners <br />· Work. Fi~t Program Compo~e~s- ,:=~...~. '/~- c~."~' '~ ~'='~' ,~' ~/' ~ ~::~ ~. .'= '.'~-~:-'~.~" ~ · ~ ' ' - - <br />Work First Family Assist~C~'(Cash <br />Bene~ts) <br />· Eligibili~ Criteria Dete~ined by NCDHHS [ Dete~ined by Board ofCo~issione~ * <br />· Payment levels' Dete~ined by NCDHHS ] Detet=~fined by Board of Co~issi°ners * <br />+ Time Limit on Assistance 24 months, extensions under prescribed / Dete~ined by Board of Co~issioners; may not <br /> situations [ exceed federal limit of 60 month lifetime benefit* <br />· Payments made by NCDHHS / Coun~ <br />· Required info~ation for county <br /> / <br /> <br />9/I 5/97 i <br /> <br /> <br />