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Emergency management volunteer means any person duly registered, identified and appointed by the <br />emergen~ management coordinator of the county cr,.crgen~' .,mz.~.age..--:.e::t agent' and assigned to <br />participate in the integrated emergency management activities. <br /> <br />Regulations means and includes plans, programs and other emergency procedures deemed essential to <br />emergency management as made by the coordinator. <br /> <br />Volunteer means contributing a service, equipment or facilities to .'.~.e emergency management agent' [ <br />activities without remuneration. (Ord. of 5-7-84, § 3) <br /> I <br /> <br />Cross reference-Definitions generally, § 1-2. <br /> <br />See. 22-29. Penalty for violation of article. <br /> <br />It shall be unlawful for any person to violate any of the provisions of this article or of the regulations or <br />plans issued pursuant to the authority contained in this article, or to willfully obstruct, hinder or delay any <br />member of the emergency services organization in the enforcement of the provisions of this article or any <br />regulations or plan issued pursuant to this article. (Ord. of 5-7-84, § 9) <br /> <br />Sec. 22-30. Organization and appointments. <br /> <br />(a) The organization shall consist of the following: <br /> <br />(1) <br /> <br />(2) <br /> <br />The employees, and resources of all county departments, boards, institutions, and councils will <br />participate in the emergency management activities. Duties assigned to county departments shall <br />be the same or similar to the normal duties of the department, where possible. <br /> <br />(3) Volunteer personnel and agencies offering service to and accepted,by the county. <br /> <br /> Co) Pursuant to G.S. 166A-7(a)(2), :g_the office of the county manager board of ccm~..:~sioner: <br /> <br />· '~" ..... '~ to protect +~' .... k~;~ ~,~+u .~c~., ~a .... ~e~,~ in L~ ...... · ~ <br />d!~:ter, shall ~ the emergen~ management agenq, and the ~un~ manager shall ~ the emergenq <br />management c~rdinator, res~nsible for the organimtion, ad~nis~tion and o~ration of ~e <br />emergen~ management agenq, ~bi~t to the direction and ~i~n~ of the counW ~ard of <br />commissioners. <br /> <br /> (c) The coordinator shall designate~.~~e~-.,-~° ~*e-v'* ...... ccer~e~tor: inviduals to whom a:om~e.., '~., <br />emergency management duties of ~.e coordinator in .',he event r,f F.'.': ab:en~ er ....... ,~ ..... may be <br />delegated, subject to budget appropriations approved by the board of commissioners. <br />(Ord. of 5-7-84, § 4) <br /> <br /> <br />