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SERVICE AGREEMENT M'EMORANDUM <br /> <br /> Upon the request of the undersigned Local Government, the Centralina Council of Governments <br />(the Council) agrees to perform the services described in the attached "Scope of Service". The <br />estimated cost of these services to be paid by the Local Government is S 46~o.0o , as similarly <br />reflected in the Scope of Services for'~.m of a Soil Erosion and S~d~,,nt Control. Ordinance. <br /> <br /> It is understood, however, that notwithstanding any estimates ~ven, the Local Government will <br />be expected to pay the actual costs incurred by Centralina in providing the services required by the <br />Charter of the Council. The Local Government will be billed monthly for actual costs during the <br />preceding month. If, during the course of this work, it appears that the services needed to complete <br />this project are likely to result in the total actual cost exceeding the estimate, the Council will endeavor <br />to notify the Local Government. The Local Government may then approve the additional cost or reduce <br />the scope of work. If the actual costs are less than those estimated, the Local Government will be <br />charged act-a! costs. Actual costs shall include the hourly rate for the employee(s) working on the <br />project plus the Council's r~gular indirect cost factor and any unusua! costs required. <br /> <br /> It is estimated that this project will be completed by four 1:o slx ~ after receipl; of si_raced <br /> egree~ent. <br /> <br /> If you wish Centrallna to proceed with this work, please have an authorized official <br />acknowledge acceptance of this proposal and forward the same to us. <br /> <br />CENTRALINA COUNCIL OF GOVERNMENTS <br /> <br />A~th°rized Official <br /> <br />Accepted, thia day of 19 <br /> <br />LOCAL GOVERNMENTAL UNIT <br /> <br />BY: <br /> <br />Authorized Offiei*! of Local Government <br /> <br />Contract # <br /> <br /> <br />