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At~-~6-1995 14. ~., F~,,OM CABAPPUS COUNT'r M. [ oS. T3 ~q]~ [~ <br /> <br />l~l:i lill! Ii <br /> <br />MEMO <br /> <br />P. ~2 <br /> <br />To: 3ohn W'rthe4's~oon <br /> <br />From: Blair <br /> <br />April ~, 1993 <br /> <br />Subject: Tax Collection Fees <br /> <br />Per your requ~t, I h~ve reviewed the fees for mlle~ion of proper~ taxe~ for the City of <br />Karmapolis. The Cou~y currendy charlpa a 5% colle~io~f f~, wtich Ipmera~es appmximnedy <br />$150,000.00 annua~y. Gene McCombs, Ka~_polis City Ms-,reset, has ukod the County to <br />consider lowgring ~ fee to be more in line with the &ctuaI cost ~o establish and operale & tax <br />colI___~m office. I have cbeck~ with the City of Concord Tax Colle~or, a~d their budget For that <br />department is a~q~roximatety $100,000.00. Based on the a/~bed schedule, & ~e of 3 1/9. % for <br />property otter thnn v~elp~ would ~ ~ppl'OXiiP.~l~ ~:~?,000.00. AS yOU ~,~I;~ <br />Count7 will be collecting for ali-cities' vehicle taxe~ eEective ~uly I, 1~93. For the, City of <br /> <br />combined, t~ose for property taxes other tlum vehicles and taxes on vehicles, would <br />approximat~ $100,300.00 pet year to the County. This is · decrease of <br />$~0,000.00 in tax colL,~_'on fees ~zom what is currently bein~ collected. However, t~ does ~ .' . <br />represent the cost to estabUsb and operate ~ tax cone~tion depamnem ~or a city the size of <br />Kannapo~. Obviously, the County would ~ an even 8te~er loss of revenue i~ the Cit7 of <br />~mmapolis were to deride to es1~dish its own tax depaz~menc <br /> <br />Bearing those fac~ in mind, and 'consider~ ti~ ihe County could offer other cities w~_hl, the <br />County our tax collection services, [ would offer the ~ollowin~ achodule to be effecilve b&sed on <br /> <br />tax levy dollar volume: <br /> I.m,y l~m than $3,ooo,ooo <br /> <br /> -'I.~ ~r~,ter ~z~ $S,000,000 <br /> Vehlcle~ +,ax collections for all cities <br /> <br />$% collection fee <br /> I/2% collection fee <br />~tiable <br /> 1/2% collection fee as prescribed by <br /> N. C. law <br /> <br /> <br />