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73 <br /> <br />C. Approval of N.C. Department of Transportatten/Cabarrus County Reimbursement <br /> Contract <br /> <br /> Mr. Stark reported a delay in the preparation of the Reimbursement Contract <br />between the North Carolina Department of Transportation and Cabarrus County for <br />the construction of the access road, including turn lane and signal work, for the <br />Stanley Works Project. He asked that the Board consider this matter at its next <br />meeting. <br /> <br />Construction of Mt. Pleasant Branch Library - Request for Funds <br /> <br /> Mr. Ralph Austin presented an update on the Mt. Pleasant Branch Library <br />construction and the fund raising efforts by the community. More than <br />$410,000.00 has been raised through contributions from more than 300 persons, <br />Completed and projected construction is currently under way for the following: <br />New Library Building, $310,936.00; Shelving and Furniture, $34,000.00; and Land, <br />$30,000.00. In addition, the following work is planned for the Library: Pave <br />Parking Lots, $23,000.00~ Landscaping, $4,500.00; Brick Sign, $5,000.00; and <br />Kitchen Appliances, $3,550.00. Mr. Austin requested that the Board appropriate <br />$17,000.00 in order for the group to complete the Library on schedule and turn <br />the completed facility over to the County to operate. <br /> <br /> There was discussion about the Library Grant of $16,791.00 which the City <br />of Concord had transferred to the County for the Mt. Pleasant Library project. <br />Mr. Austin disagreed with the Board's previous decision to use these funds as a <br />part of the County's co~mmitment for the purchase of books rather than for <br />construction costs. <br /> <br /> Board members co~nended the citizens of the Mt. Pleasant community for <br />their fund-raising efforts on behalf of ~he Library project. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Casper, seconded by Commissioner Mills and <br />unanimously carried, the Board agreed to appropriate $17,000.00 for the Mt. <br />Pleasant Branch Library construction project, <br /> <br />Petition 96-01{T~ Amendment to Chapter 5 of the Cabarrus County Zonin~ <br />Ordinance - Public Hearin~ - 7:00 <br /> <br /> Mr. Jonathan Marshall, Senior Planner, reviewed the proposed revisions to <br />the customized development standards portion of Section 5 of the Cabarrus County <br />Zoning Ordinance, The major change reduced the open space from 50 percent to 30 <br />percent of the property and increased the area allowed for development from 50 <br />percent to 70 percent. Other specific changes included simplifying the wording, <br />changing the density requirements for countryside residential districts, <br />requiring that the open space to be accessible to a public road and removing the <br />provision that prohibited motor vehicles. <br /> <br /> At 7:08 P.M., Chairman Barnhart opened the public hearing for Petition 96- <br />01(T) and asked if anyone were present who wished to address the Board regarding <br />the proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance. There was no one present to <br />address the Board, and Chairman Barnhart closed the public hearing. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Mills, seconded by Commissioner Casper and <br />unanimously carried, the Board approued Petition 96-01(T) amending Chapter 5, <br />'Dimensional Requirements & Customized Development Standards," of the Cabarrus <br />County Zoning Ordinance as recommended by the Planning and Zoning Commission. <br />Chapter Five, "Dimensional Requirements & Customized Development Standards," as <br />approved by the Board is on file in the Office of the County Manager and hereby <br />included by reference as a part of the minutes. <br /> <br />~port on the Cabarrus Health Care Coalition's Selection of an Insurance Carrier <br /> <br />for FY 1996-97 - Mr. Don Moorhead <br /> <br /> Mr, Don Moorhead, Personnel Director, reported that Cabarrus County and the <br />cities of Concord and Kannapolis had Joined together as a coalition tO bid out <br />the employee health insurance for the next fiscal year. After the bid process <br />and extensive review of the three finalists, the coalition had selected <br />Prudential Health Care System as the reco~nended carrier based on the following <br />reasons: (1) Sound financial ratings; (2) Provider network that includes <br />University Hospital and United Family Services; (3) Coverage as good or better <br /> <br /> <br />