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in most categories, when competed to other finalists; (4) Service reputation; (5) <br />Lower prem£um costs; and (6) Second year renewal guarantee of no more than slx <br />percent (6I). Mr. Moorhead reported that the estimated annual savings are as <br />follows: Coalition, $400,000.00; Cabarrus County, $116,000.00; County employees <br />with dependent coverage, $56,000.00. A small portion of the County's savings will <br />be used to provide a wellness program for County employees. <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Commissioner Fennel, seconded by Conunlssioner Nlblock and <br />unanimously carried, the Board approved the selection of The Prudential Health <br />Care System as the health insurance carrier for the next fiscal year. <br /> <br />Coddle Creek Reservoir - Plantation Pipeline Relocation Oversight Services <br /> <br /> Mr. Clifton presented the proposal by HDR Engineering, Inc. of North <br />Carolina to provide oversight services during the relocation of the Plantation <br />Pipeline at the Coddle Creek Reservoir. The cost is estimated at $62,000.00 to <br />$52,500.00 and will be paid on the basis of the following hourly rates: Project <br />Manager, $45.00; Project Engineer, $34.00; and Project Geologist, $30,000.00. <br />Acceptance of the proposal will enable the County to have its own engineering <br />experts on site during the relocation work to address any envirorueental concerns <br />that may occur. The proposed tasks and associated cost estimates are as follows: <br /> <br />Task 100 - <br />Task 200 - <br />Task 300 - <br /> <br />Task 400 - <br /> <br />Plantation Pipeline Company Liaison/Coordination <br /> <br />Estimated Cost $ 4,000 <br />Work Plan Development <br />Estimated Cost $ 3,000 <br />Excavation/Removal Oversight <br />Estimated Cost for Two-Week Field Effort $23,500 <br />Estimated Cost for Four-Week Field Effort $34,000 <br />Final Report <br />Estimated Cost $11,500 <br /> <br /> UPON MOTION of Chairman Barnhart, seconded by Commissioner Niblock with <br />Chairman Barnhart and Commissioners Ntblock, Fennel and Casper voting for and <br />Comissioner Mills voting against, the Board accepted the proposal as submitted <br />by HDR Engineerin§ for oversight services of the Plantation Pipeline relocation <br />at the Coddle Creek Reservoir st an estimated cost of $62,000.00 to $52,500.00, <br />to be paid on the basis of hourly rates, and authorized the County Manager to <br />si~n the proposal acceptance on behalf of the County. The accepted proposal is <br />on file in the Office of the County Manager and hereby included by reference as <br />a part of the minutes. <br /> <br />Report on Crisco Road <br /> <br /> Chairman Barnhart reported he had received numerous calls about the poor <br />condition of Crisco Road. At his request, Ms. Sarah LaBelle, Transportation <br />Planner, had contacted the North Carolina Department of Transportation regarding <br />repairs to the road. Transportation officials had responded that Crisco Road is <br />on the State's list for repair and is considered a priority. <br /> <br />INFORHAL PUBLIC COMMENTS <br /> <br /> Chairman Barmhart opened the meeting for Informal Public Comments at 7:25 <br />P.M. There was no one present to address the Board, and Chairman Barnhart closed <br />that portion of the meeting. <br /> <br />Recess of Meettn~ <br /> <br /> There being no further business to come before the Board, Chairman Barnhart <br />recessed the meeting at 7:26 P.M. until 5:00 P.M. on Tuesday, April 23, 1996. <br /> <br />Clerk to the Board <br /> <br /> <br />