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137 <br /> <br />/s/ Frankte F. Bonds <br /> <br />Frankie F. Bonds, Clerk to the Board <br /> <br />Adoption of the Inherently Dangerous Animals Ordinance <br /> <br /> Sheriff Canaday addressed the need for the proposed 'Inherently Dangerous <br />Animals Ordinance" in Cabarrus County. Ne advised that he had met wlth the <br />Concord Zoo officials who had some concerns and quest£ons regarding the proposed <br />ordinance. <br /> <br /> UPON NOTION of Commissioner Mills, seconded by Commissioner Fennel and <br />unanimously carried, the Board adopted the following Ordinance amending the <br />Cabarrus County Code of Ordinances. <br /> <br /> ARTICLE VI. <br />INHERENTLY DANGEROUS ANIMALS ORDINANCE <br /> <br />Sec. 10-131 DEFINITIONS. <br /> (a) For the purpose of this Article, an inherently dangerous <br /> animal includes any inherently dangerous exotic m-mmal <br /> or inherently dangerous reptile defined herein. <br /> (h) Inherently dangerous exogic m~.~.~l is any member of the <br /> canidae, felidae, or ursldae families, including hybrids <br /> thereof, which due to their inherent nature, may be <br /> considered dangerous to humans. <br /> (1) Canidae include any member of the dog (canid) <br /> family not customarily domesticated by man, or <br /> any hybrids of such canidae, thereof, including <br /> wolf hybrids which are a cross between a wolf and <br /> a domestic dog, but not including dogs (Canis <br /> famllaris). <br /> (2) Felidae include any member of the cat family not <br /> customarily domesticated by man, or any hybrids <br /> of such felidas, but not including domestic cats <br /> (Felis catus). <br /> (3) Ursidae include any member of the bear family, or <br /> hybrids of such ursidae. <br /> (c) Inherently dangerous reptile is any member of the class <br /> rep~ilia which: <br /> (1) is venomous. A venomous reptile shall include all <br /> members of the families Helodermidae (gila <br /> monsters and Mexican beaded lizards), Vlperidae <br /> (vipers), Cro~alidae (pit vipers), Atrac~sspidae <br /> (burrowing asps), Hydrophilidae (snakes), end <br /> Elapidae (cobras, coral snakes, and their <br /> allies), as well as any "rear fanged" snakes of <br /> the family Colubridae that are known to be <br /> dangerous to humans (including, but not limited <br /> to Dlspholidus typus [boomslang], Thebtornis <br /> kirtlandii [twig snake], Rhabdophisspp <br /> [keelbacks]). <br /> (2) is a member of the order Crocodllia (crocodiles, <br /> alligators, and caiman). <br /> (d) Harborer of an inherently dangerous exotic mammal or <br /> inherently dangerous reptile is any person or persons, <br /> regardless of ownership, who allows an inherently <br /> dangerous exotic or inherently dangerous reptile <br /> to remain, lodge, or be fed or to be given shelter or <br /> refuge within a person's home, store, yard, enclosure, <br /> outbuilding, abandoned vehicle or building, place of <br /> business, or any other premises in which the person <br /> resides or over which the person has control. <br />Sec. 10-132 FOSSESSION OF INHERENTLY DANGEROUS ANIMALS IS ILLEGAL <br /> IN CABARRUS COUNTY. <br />At no time may shy person or persons harbor an inherently <br />dangerous exotic mammal or inherently dangerous reptile. <br />Sec. 10-133 EXCEPTIONS. <br />This Article does not apply to: <br /> (a) Veterinary clinics in possession of such m-mmals or <br /> reptiles for treatment or rehabilitation purposes. <br /> <br /> <br />