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...... ID:C D a M R~LEIGH N C ~× N0:~19-78!-~?~0 ~l?~ <br /> <br />-.-DEC-2~-'~4 THU .09:~1 <br /> <br />Task 4.6..iJ~stable Areas <br /> <br />A CDM Pr~f%sional Geologist will detem~,ine if there are any unstable areas within the <br />Option C sku, This task will involve the following: <br /> <br />A rev/~w of geologic literature to determine what unstable areas (e.g., <br />sinkholes) might typically be encountered in the vicinity of the Option C site. <br /> <br />A brief review of the existing hydrogeologic~ data for the site. <br /> <br /> · A one day site visit to look for evidence of unstable areas. <br /> <br /> · Preparation o£ a brief report that will be incorporated into the Site Study <br /> describing compliance with the Unstable Area resaictions. <br /> <br />Task 4.7 - Cultural R~ouree~ <br /> <br />Rule. 162217) states that a new MSWLF unit shall not damage or destroy an archaeological or <br />historical property. The Department of Cultural Resoumes shall determine archeologleal or <br />historical s: gnificance. CDM will send a letter to the Department along with a site map and <br />request a n view of the proposed sites fox impacts w archaeological or historical sites. If the <br />Departmeni ~mds tha~ there will be no impacts, no addffional work will be needed. <br /> <br />It is possib!e that the Departme~.,! may require a site-spec[fie survey, tf so, CDM will solicit <br />proposals f~om at least two qual~ed f'mm to complete the work. CDM wilt review thc <br />proposals ~ County staff who will select thc Prefcncd proposal. An .allocation has been <br />made in S~-~ion 4 of this Amendmem to cover the costs of retaining an <br />archaeolog~cal/h/storical subconsultant. The actual cost will be passed through to the County <br />with no ad~titional markup. The cost will not exceed the allowance without prior written <br />approval by ~e County. <br /> <br />Task 4.8 - S~ate Nature an~l Historic Preserve <br /> i . <br />,Rule .162218} states tha~ a new MSWLF unit shall not have an adverse impac~ on any lands <br />included ir~ the State Nature and Historic Preserve. CDM will contact the appropriate agency <br />responsibl~ for overseeing protcctlon of lands in the State Nature and H~toric Preserve to <br />determ/ne ff the proposed site, will have any adverse impacts. The results will be included in <br />the Site St .dy. <br /> <br />Task 4.9 ,Water Supply Watersheds <br /> t ' <br />Rule .162~ 19) ~tatcz that ~ new MSWLF unit shall not b~ locat~ within the critical area of a <br />water supl~ y watershed or in the water shed for a stream segment classifxed as WS-1, in <br />accordance with thc roles codified at 1SA NCAC 2B .0200. CDM will comact the North <br />Carol/na E [vision of l~nv~ronmental Management, Water Quality Section to determine the <br />prordmirY )f the proposed sites to any of the above-refcrcnc~ restricted watershed areas, <br /> <br />.:~,-,~ ~.~ Pa~e l 1 of 17 <br /> <br /> <br />