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....... ~EC-29-'94 THU 09:4D ID:C D 5 M RALEIGH N C FAX N0:919-781-5730 ~l?~ PI~ <br /> <br />Task 4.3 - Wethmds <br /> <br />Rule .1622 (3)(a) states that new IvlSV~LF units and lateral expansions shall not be located in <br />wetlands urde$~ the propex permits and demons~xafions can be made. CDM will contact at <br />least two f~ and solicit proposals for completing a wetland delineation on thc Option C <br />site. CDM W/ll review thc proposals with County staff who will choose the prw/crred <br />proposal, Thei work will include scheduling a visit by the U.S. A/i~iy Corps of Eng/neers to <br />:e-~ie,v and ~Prove the delineat/on, surveying of all of the wetland flags, and the preparation <br />of a wetlands ilelineation survey/map. An al/ocation has been made in Section 4 of this <br />Amendment tO cover the cost of retain/Jag a wetlands subconsultant The actual cost will be <br />passed tl~ougtl to the County with no additional markup. The coat will not exceed the <br />allowance without prior written approval by the County, <br /> <br />Once the del/x~eafion baa been approved in the field, CDM will submit it to the U.S. Army <br />Corps of Engineers for approval, This Amendment does not include thc preparation or <br />submittal of a~y wetland fill perrait applications (e.g., Nationwide Permit ~26 or Section 401 <br />Water Qudit~ Certification). Once the wetland permiU/ng requ/rements for the project are <br />del'reed, CDM will inform the County of the best approach, if any is needed, to obtaining the <br />necessary perm/ts. Obta/rfing the perrdts, however, will required an additional work <br />authofizat/on.; <br /> <br />Rule .16221(4](a) states that new MSWLF units shall not be locatecl w/thin 200 feet of a fault <br />that has had displacement in Holocene time unless proper demonstrations can be made. CDM <br />will reviewi available literature to de~ermine whether or not the proposed site meeB this <br />crker/a. If~e sites are not in compliance, the MSWLF urdt, can be designed to withsU~nd <br />such earthquake forces. These issues wm be addressed in more deudl in the Permit to <br />Construct Appl/eafion wh/ch will be the next pha~e of the project. <br /> <br />Task 4.~ -iSelsmie Impact Zones <br /> <br />Rule .1622: (~5)(a) states that new MSWLF un/ts shall not be located in seismic impact zones, <br />unless the pwner can demonstrate that all containment structure.s, including liners, leachate <br />co!lection systems, and surface wate~ vontrol systems, are designed to res/st the maximum <br />horizontal acceleration in litMfied earth mater/al for the site. CDM will examine available <br />geologtc mags which define the limits of all se/sm/e impact zones in North Carolina. <br />Cabarms COtmry is located elo,e to the border of a seismic impact zone, therefore the <br />examination will have to be somewhat detailed to accurately clele~,fine whether or not the site <br />is in eomPl/~nce. If the site is located in a seismic impact zone, additional design measures <br />and calcula~ons will have to be made during preparation of the Permit to Construct <br />Appl~catlon to i~sare that the MSWLF units can w/thstand the design earthquake <br /> <br />Page 10 of 17 <br /> <br /> <br />