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AG 1995 04 03
Public Meetings
AG 1995 04 03
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Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes - Date
Board of Commissioners
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ESC- ESC should be a permanent member of our team. Given that the current ESC <br />member of our JOBS team has more work than can be accomplished, it is important to <br />pursue the addition of another ESC representative, <br /> <br />Job Development- Since this proposal is focused on the location of jobs for the <br />population we serve, we will be designating one of our JOBS staff for this purpose. <br />This coupled with the additional representative from ESC, should provide the resources <br />we need. In addition, several of our proposals, such as grant diversion, provide an <br />incentive for job creation. It is also important that both public and private employers be <br />allowed to participate to assure the necessary resources are available. <br /> <br />Waivers needed: <br /> 1. AFDC and FS recipients, not JOBS eligible, between the ages of 18 and 64, with the <br />youngest child one year of age or older, with under 30 hours of work per week, will be <br />required to participate. <br /> 2. Extending the application of 30 and l/3rd income disregard to up to two years, in <br />situations where unsubsidized employment is obtained and held uninterrupted during the <br />two year period, and the case stays otherwise eligible to receive benefits. <br /> 3. Failure to cooperate with program provisions will result in progressive sanctions, <br />beginning with a time period equal to the time taken to demonstrate cooperation. The <br />second failure to cooperate will result in program suspension of four months. The third <br />and subsequent sanctions will be for periods of eight months. Benefits lost during periods <br />of sanction will be full AFDC and FS benefits for the family, and medical coverage for the <br />family adult members, if such adults are not pregnant. APter the first sanction, further non- <br />compliance will result in the loss of incentives. <br /> 4. Grant diversion, consisting of AFDC benefits to the family, and or the cash value of <br />Food Stamps, will be allowed to public, private not for profit, and private employers. <br /> 5. JOBS sanctions for non compliance would reflect sanctions under the Workfare <br />program. <br /> 6. Workfare slots would be extended into the private sector, primarily in human <br />services. <br /> 7. Children in sanctioned Workfare or JOBS cases would automatically quality for <br />MIC by administrative action. <br /> 8. Mandated JOBS participants would be required to pursue and accept employment, <br />subsidized or unsubsidized, prior to the planning for and implementation of a JOBS plan. <br /> 9. Job search activity for potential JOBS participants, can be used until full JOBS <br />services can be made available, or the client has gained unsubsidized employment. No <br />assessment will be required until full JOBS services are made available, but search activity <br />would be counted as a work activity. <br /> 10. Job search training is required as a condition of eligibility for all clients eligible for <br />JOBS or Workfare. <br /> 1 l.The 30 and l/3rd income exemption will apply to FS cases that are also AFDC <br />eligible or would be if they applied, in determining FS benefits. <br /> 12. Cash out ofFS benefits in cases eligible for workfare be allowed in order to effect <br />grant diversion. <br /> <br /> <br />
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