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C. Project Description <br /> <br /> If awarded this mini-grant, our department will take a three-prong approach to addressing <br />the problem. Initially, we will begin to foster our relationship with the local medical community. By <br />addressing community health goals through increased communication we want to serve the medical <br />community as the local immunization consultant. Because this relationship does not currently exist, <br />a three-month plan would be developed, with local physician input, to address the issue of immuni- <br />zation tracking. <br /> Part two of the grant focuses on the Hispanic community, who are greatly under-served and <br />under-reported. In researching this project it became clear that local human service agencies have <br />very little information on this rapidly growing subcommunity. Therefore, one method will involve <br />outreach efforts at Showel Farms, our county's largest employer of this population. Another in- <br />eludes establishing a practice of promoting immunizations at the free clinic and urgent care facility. <br /> The third part of the grant will involve expanding the No Name Tracking System to include <br />all births to Cabarms County women. We will collect birth certificate information on residents who <br />deliver in hospitals in neighboring counties. This will be accomplished through a simplified report- <br />ing process that we will establish with out-of-county hospitals. This process will allow us to include <br />not just high risk births, but all births. <br /> <br />D. Project Action and Evaluation Plans <br /> <br /> To accomplish the goals of this project, we will hire a part-time Health Educator, who will <br />work 20 hours per week and a part-time nurse, who will work ten hours per week. The Health <br />Educator will attend the Clinical Assessment Software Application training and be responsible for <br />its implementation. During the first month, the health educator will establish a system for collecting <br />birth certificate information for all births. The No Name Tracking system will be converted from a <br />manual process to a fully automated system, via the QS System. The first quarterly evaluation of this <br />converted system will be the end of September. Throughout the grant period the Health Educator <br />will work with local HisPanic employers to track and promote age appropriate immunizations. <br /> The nurse will be available to administer immunizations for the Hispanic population onsite <br />during the Health Department clinics heavily utilized by this population ( e.g., Maternity and Family <br />Planning), as well as offsite in conjunction with activities planned within the Hispanic community. <br /> <br />E. Internal and External Agency Cooperation <br /> <br /> Internal agency cooperation will include careful communications between the WlC, Child <br />Health, Health Education, Social Work, and Management Support Divisions. The Health Educator <br />will be responsible for networking with the local medical community, and other county agencies. <br />Child Service Coordination is an interagency team led by health department staff Currently there <br />are four other agencies in this network that prioritize at-risk children's' needs. <br /> <br />E Project Continuation Plans <br /> <br /> This project will provide a base of information that will be integrated into the statewide <br />immunization registry. Linkages established with local providers will be maintained by program <br />staff.and integration of immunization services for Hispanic families attending other Health Depart- <br />ment clinic will also be maintained by program staff. <br /> <br /> <br />