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A. Problem to be Addressed <br /> <br /> Currently, there is no county-wide system for tracking immunizations in Cabarrus County. <br />While the Health Department tracks patients who receive immunizations through our clinics, the <br />numbers reflect only those immunized though the health department. We have no system for track- <br />ing those who may be receiving immunizations through local private physicians. Likewise, we have <br />no way 0fidentifying those who do not receive any preventive care. This population is likely to seek <br />care at the Hospital Emergency Room, or at an Urgent Care facility, or at the Community Free <br />Clinic, which serves those who do not qualify for Medicaid. There is no system-wide practice for <br />promoting immunizations or referring these patients on to receive age-appropriate immunizations. <br /> A demographic shii~ that is occurring statewide is also heavily impacting Cabarms County. <br />That is the rapidly increasing Hispanic population. In 1990 there were seven births of Hispanic <br />Origin. By 1993 that number had risen to thirty-two. The monthly WlC caseload has grown in a <br />similar fashion. In March of 1990 there were three Hispanic clients on WIC. In March of 1995, the <br />WIC program reported 178 clients in their caseload. The school system has also reported a dramatic <br />increase in the number of Hispanic students. The Kannapolis City Schools report that the number of <br />Hispanic students grew from one in the 1989-90 school year, to 12 in the 1990-91 school year. For <br />the current school year they have 71 Hispanic students in attendance. One local employer reports <br />75% of its workforce, or 600 individuals, is Hispanic. <br /> <br />B. Justification of Need <br /> <br /> Since 1993, the Health Department has taken several measures to improve immunization <br />rates. The Health Department has extended office hours and offered immunizations at several <br />weekend events. Two additional part-time nursing positions have been added to concentrate on <br />delinquent immunizations, tracking, and follow-up. A No Name Tracking System has been imple-' <br />merited for all Health Department patients. The system allows us to track Health Department pa- <br />tients up to age five to remind them of needed immunizations. As mentioned in Part A. This system <br />does not apply to those outside the department. <br /> Under the WlC Immunization Demonstration Grant, WlC program clients are now being <br />assessed for age appropriate immunizations and immunized as indicated. Clients of private physi- <br />cians are encouraged to bring their children's shot records with them so that their immunizations <br />may be administered at their WlC appointment. A new laptop computer facilitates the process of <br />checking records when staff are off site. <br /> Geographically, Cabarms County borders Mecklenburg, and has become a bedroom eom- <br />munity of Charlotte. Population growth within the county is a steady 15% each census and the 1990 <br />census reported 7,076 citizens under the age of four years. This population is expected to continue <br />at an accelerated pace. Within the community, we are experiencing an influx of physicians. At <br />present we have three pediatric practices and six family practice groups. The expanding medical <br />community further indicates a need to carefully coordinate our immunization tracking efforts. These <br />circumstances indicate a need to determine the local immunization rates and track those who are <br />under-immunized. <br /> <br /> <br />