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reasonable and which will withstand close scrutiny. This is why the Level of <br />Service and Cost Factor Document is more than just a series of numbers, it is also <br />a narrative which describes the LOS and relevant factors to the reader. It is also <br />why a case study-marginal cost approach is needed which reflects fiscal analysis <br />zones for the County. <br /> <br />Methodology <br /> <br />As indicated in the cover letter, there are several methodologies one could utilize <br />to evaluate the fiscal impacts. The most common is the average cost-per capita <br />approach. The major problem with this methodology is that it masks timing as <br />well as geographic issues. For example, if the parks and recreation budget were <br />divided by population to derive a per capita figure, this figure would be applied <br />to population 'regardless of where and when the new housing occurred. Under the <br />case study-marginal cost approach, the available capacity of parks would be <br />ascertained, and the need for a new park would be forecasted with the resulting <br />capital costs for land, equipment and other capital items. Once open, the costs to <br />maintain and operate that park would be incorporated. Other relevant operating <br />costs would also be noted. The location of 200 homes in a newly developing area <br />of the County could have a significantly different impact than if those 200 homes <br />were distributed in more of an infill situation. This would be reflected in the case <br />study-marginal cost approach. <br /> <br />A less common approach is the comparable community methodology. This <br />methodology basically assumes that a County of a comparable population size to <br />a future Cabarrus County could be utilized to project the County's future needs. <br />Based on a study using this methodology, which TA was hired to critique, as well <br />as TA's own experience in evaluating very comparable jurisdictions, each <br />community is unique. That is why this methodology is less frequently used than <br />it has been in the past. <br /> <br />The scope of work discussed in the next section, assumes the utilization of the <br />case study-marginal cost approach. We will be pleased to discuss the tradeoffs <br />in terms of fiscal reality and credibility with you. <br /> <br />6 <br /> <br />Tischler & Associates, Inc.~ <br /> <br /> <br />