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Scope of Work <br /> <br />TASK I Review Relevant Material <br /> <br />This task will review the relevant studies and existing information on <br />the County. This will include the County's projections of population, <br />employment, residential units and other appropriate categories. Based <br />on discussion with County staff, we anticipate that the residential <br />forms will include low, medium and high density residential as well <br />as agricultural. Nonresidential activities will include limited and <br />general commercial and industrial activities. The residential and <br />nonresidential land uses will drive the demands for services and <br />resulting fiscal results. TA has worked with clients in reviewing <br />projections in the vast majority of its assignments, using our market <br />and economic feasibility experience. We recommend that the <br />projections be allocated to the three subareas in the County -- the <br />urban service area, transition area, and agrarian area. <br />We will prepare a memorandum which summarizes the projections <br />and discusses any issues that need further analysis. It is anticipated <br />that we wilt meet with the Client and any appropriate group when we <br />make an onsite trip during this task. <br /> <br />Work Product: Memorandum Summarizing Projections and <br />Discussing Issues Which Need Further Analysis <br /> <br />TASK 2 Conduct Level of Service and Cost Factor Interviews <br /> <br />In this task we will interview the five service providers in order to <br />compile the level of service and cost factors which will be utilized in <br />the analysis. The services included are sewer, water, schools, <br />roadways, parks and recreation and emergency services. It is <br />important to note that TA will not be asking the departments to <br />calculate future demands by subarea of the county. Rather we will <br />interview the departments and ascertain relevant factors and <br />information to utilize. Our fiscal system designed for Cabarrus <br />County will then calculate these demands. Our data collection will <br />include capital costs and relevant operating and maintenance expenses. <br /> <br />In discussing capital facility needs with the Client, we will utilize one <br />of three approaches. One approach will be direct entry of capital <br />facility information. This is used when a facility programmed in the <br />CIP will partially or fully serve new growth. A second is for our <br />fiscal impact system to calculate the need for new capital facilities as <br />a function of the existing available capacity. The third approach is to <br /> <br />? <br />: ~ Tischler & Associates, Inc. <br /> <br /> <br />