Uwharrie Lakes Scenic Byway Loop
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<br />The regional strategic plan for thc seven-county Uwharrie Lakes Region (Anson, Davidson,
<br />Montgomery, Randolph, Richmond, Rowan, and StaBly) calls for the creation cfa scenic byway
<br />loop &s a major catalyst for tourism development. Durin$ the two-year planning process, the
<br />Tourism T~kforce* examined many issues, but decided ~hat the number one touflsm priority
<br />would be to "complete the designation of a regional scenic byways loop, install the directioual
<br />and interpretive signage, and prepare promotional maps and literature to guide visitors."
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<br />The YadkirffPee Dee Lakes Project is now in the process of implementing this strategic plan and
<br />preparing for byway designation, A Scenic Byway Taxtcfo~ce, representing about 70 people from
<br />all seven counties, was assembled to determine a route over the past year. Existing scenic roads
<br />in each county were pieced tosether in the form of a loop that connects the major atuantions in
<br />the region (places like the NC Zoo, Morrow Mountain State Park, the NC Transportation
<br />Museum, and Town Creek Indian Mound). A 400 + mile loop was determined by the committee.
<br />In the Spring of 1995, Bob Kopetsky of the NC DOT Roadside Environmental Unit came to the
<br />region and drove the suggested route. Bob made refinements to the county proposals, and the
<br />arnmended route was approved by the Taskforce on May 23, 1995.
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<br />A Scenic Byway application is currently being prepared by the Yadkin/Pee Dee Lakes Project
<br />stuff. A critical part of this application involves getting county approval for the scenic
<br />byway route in each county. To this cad, members of the YadkJn/Pee Dee Lakes Project staff
<br />would like to appem before each county commLssiofl in :uno or July to $o over that county's
<br />portion of the route and obtain a resolution of support for the effort. Once the application is
<br />approved by NC DOT, designation could come as early as this October, or as late as the Spring
<br />of 1996.
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<br />Once in place, this scenic byway will provide visitors to the region an opportunity to I~et offthe
<br />beaten path a~d visit some of the small towns and historic sites that make the Uwharrie Lakes
<br />Region so special. These visitors will need places to shop, dine, sleep, and buy gas along the
<br />way, thus providing economic opportunities tot towns such as Denton, Mt. Gilead, Wadesboro,
<br />China Grove, Badin, Seagrove, and Ellerbe. Larger towns, such as Salisbury, Albemarle,
<br />Asheboro, Thomasville, and Lexington also stand to gain from the byway when visitors decide to
<br />get offthe byway route to explore other opportunities in the area.
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<br />* The 7'ouH~m Table, orca of the Yadkin/Pee Dee Sa-ategic Planning Effort included: Carol Anderson, Ma.Vt
<br />Bernhardt, Kathy Boyd, Mike Breedlove, Susan Chewning, Betty Crook, Jamima DaMascus, Lindsey
<br />Dunevant, Joan Eargle, Pryor Gibson, Dr. Al Haltiwanger, Mike Harmon, John Lenrz, Brown Loflin, Don
<br />McLain, Charles Snuls, Ma.,'tha S~nter, Audrey Sher~er, Archle Smith, Bruce Turner, Marilyn Wendling,
<br />and Carols Woodward.
<br />Core Members included: Raymond Allen, Peggy Bates, Ne, al Cadieu, Mary Collini. Judy Esttidge, and
<br />Judy Newman.
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