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PRESS RELEASE <br /> <br />Subject: Population growth in Cabarrus County <br />Date: March, 1994 <br />From: Cabarrus County Planning, Zoning & Building Inspections Department <br />Contacts: Gerald A. Newton, Director, (704) 788-8141, ext. 145 <br /> Mary O'Donnell, Planning Technician, ext. 858' <br /> <br /> Every ten years, the federal government conducts the national Census, giving us a <br /> "snapshot" of the American population at a specific point in time. The most recent census, April <br /> 1, 1990, counted 98,935 persons residing in Cabarms County. That figure and countless other <br /> data describe the County as of April 1, 1990. The dilemma with the Census, however, is that <br /> it occurs only once a decade. Understanding and correctly predicting what is happening to <br /> population in the intervening years is critical. <br /> <br /> In North Carolina, there are efforts underway to understand what is happening to <br />population in the noncensus years. The State Demographer, part of the state Office of Planning <br />in Raleigh, annually sets forth estimates of County population. His estimates are based on the <br />"administrative records technique" which uses standard data available statewide: births, deaths, <br />motor vehicle licensing, medicare records, etc. Centralina Council of Governments, regional <br />planning agency for Planning Area "F" which is Cabarrus' region, also prepares both estimates <br />and projections of population, estimates being numbers of current population while projections <br />are future population numbers. Centralina's technique is similar to that used by the State <br />Demographer. <br /> <br /> In September of 1992, the Cabarrus Planning Division began looking at locally gathered <br />data - housing permits issued county-wide which are maintained within the Inspections Division. <br />These local data have the potential to both estimate current and project future population. In <br /> <br /> <br />