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Page 3 <br /> PROGRAM SUMMARY <br />Statement of the Problem: <br /> Information received from the NC Division of Youth Services and Cabarrus <br />County Juvenile Court for 1992 indicates that there were 343 delinquency complaints <br />issued as well as 96 undisciplined complaints. From these complaints, 218 iuveniles (64%) <br />were adiudicated delinquent with 96 (100%0) adiudicated as undisclplined. The case load <br />for court counselors increased to an average of 35; per month with approximately 29% of <br />these juveniles requiring out-of-home placements. In calendar year 1992, 26 ]uvenjle~ were <br />placed in secure detention and 4 in training school. Group home placement is a viable <br />alternative to training school and secure detention and remains an available out-of-home <br />placement. <br /> <br />Program Goal: (Purpose of the Program) <br /> To provide residential treatment services (up to 1 year) to adolescent males. To <br />provide structure and consistency in a family-type atmosphere. To provide counseling and <br />appropriate supervision. To provide tutoring, appropriate role modeling, and to teach <br />coping skills. To work with families to help with parenting; supervision, and appropriate <br />consequences for negative behaviors. To teach appropriate problem solving skills. <br /> <br />Target Population: <br /> Adolescent males ages 10 - 17 who have been adjudicated delinquent or <br />undlsciplined and at high risk of delinquency, or identified as emotionally disturbed. <br />Priority areas of service are Stanly, Union, and Cabarrus Counties. <br /> <br />Measurable Objective(s): Of the youth served: <br /> 1) 750/0 of those who have had prior court involvement will show a reduction in <br /> further court involvement. This will be documented by regular contact and reports <br /> from Court Counselor. <br /> 2) 1000/'0 will show improvement in school attendance (to daily) as attested to by <br /> daily school cards. <br /> 3) 75% will show an improvement in academics (from failing to passing grades) <br /> within 2 grading periods as attested to I~y progress reports, report cards, and school <br /> conferences. <br /> 4) 80o/0 will show increase in appropriate behaviors, social skills, and abiding by <br /> rules at school, home, and group home as documented by evaluation meetings, <br /> school conferences, weekly reports by Resident Counselors and weekend reports <br /> from parents. <br /> <br />Information Maintained for Effectiveness Measurement 1. Individual treatment plans with goals listed. <br /> 2. Evaluation meeting minutes. <br /> 3. Daily point sheets and weekend point sheets. <br /> 4. Daily school cards and school conferences. <br /> 5. Weekly narratives. <br /> 6. Client tracking forms. <br /> <br /> <br />