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Page 4 <br /> <br />PROGRAM NARRATIVE <br /> <br /> Uwharde Group Home is a residential treatment facility for adolescent males ages <br />10-17. Referrals are made to the Executive Director from Juvenile Court, Mental Health, <br />BSS, and schools. A referral form is sent to the Executive Director and if the child <br />appears to be an appropriate referral, a visit is scheduled for the child, parents/guardian, <br />and referral agent to visit the group home. Needs and problems are discussed to identify <br />goals that may be appropriate. If the Admissions committee (Executive Director, <br />Resident Counselors, and representatives from PAMH, Stanly County BSS, Albemarle <br />City Schools, Stanly County Schools and Juvenile Court) feels the child is an appropriate <br />referral, a complete application packet is given to the referral agent to fill out. After <br />necessary paperwork, physicals, etc. are complete, an admission date is scheduled. If <br />there is no waiting list, placement usually occurs within a month from referral. <br /> <br /> Four (4) Resident Counselors work on a 7 days on, 7 days off schedule with two <br />being on duty at one time. When the child is admitted, Counselors go over all rules and <br />explain the level system. He is also given an i,[roduction booklet that contains terms used <br />atthe group home, explains the level system, and also contains a pdntout of the Daily <br />Schedule and the house rules. Clie[~[s are placed on a point system and bank points to <br />move up the level system. Points, as well as logical and natural consequences, are a part <br />of the behavior modification system employed at Uwharfie Homes. Poii-~ts and privileges <br />are earned (or lost) for positive (or negative) behaviors. Cliet-~t~ can earn regular weekend <br />visits with positive behavior. Clients are required to attend school on a daily basis. <br /> <br /> The group home runs much like a family setting with regular "family meetings", <br />daily study hour, chores and recreational activities. There is much structure and limits are <br />set, but there is also free time. Appropriate social skills and accepting responsibility for <br />actions are taught daily. <br /> <br /> Individual, group and family counseling are provided for all clients at Piedmont <br />Area Mental Health. Resident Counselors meet with parent~ at the beginning and end of <br />each weekend visit. A treatment plan is wdtten within thirty (30) days of admission and an <br />evaluation meeting is held then and at least every ninety (90) days after that to determine <br />progress. The average len~j[h of stay is 6-7 months but school grading pedods are taken <br />into consideration when a graduation or exit date is scheduled. <br /> <br /> Most clients achieve some, if not all, of their goals while at the group home. <br />Learning how to handle anger appropriately and utilizing appropriate behaviors for <br />acquiring attention are two important goals that many of our clients achieve. Positive <br />communication is also stressed with clients. One of the staff's greatest rewards comes <br />from positive contact initiated by the client following discharge from the program. <br /> <br /> <br />