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Subtitle B Community Services Block Grant Program <br /> <br /> SHORT '~'rA'i,,E <br /> <br /> SEC. 671. This subtitle may be cited as the "Community Serv <br />ices Block Grant Act'. <br /> (42 U.S.C. 9901 note) <br /> <br /> COMMUNITY SERVICES GRANTS AUTHORIZED <br /> <br /> SEC. 672. (a) The Secretary is authorized to make grants in <br />cordance with the provisions of this subtitle, to States to smeliorat <br />the causes of poverty in comm-nlties wi~.hln the Stats. <br /> (b) There are authorized to be appropriated $451,500,000 fc <br />fiscal year 1990, $451,500,000 for fiscal y~ar 19~1, $460,000,000 fc <br />fiscal year 1992, $480,000,000 for fiscal year. 1993, an <br />$500,000,000 for fiscal year 1994 to carry out the provisions of thi <br />subtitle (other than section 681A). <br /> (42 U.S.C. 99Ol) <br /> <br /> . DEFINITIONS <br /> <br /> SEC. 673. For purposes of this subtitle: <br /> (1) The to.rna,, 'eligible entlty~ me~n~ any orgnn!zatto <br /> which was offictally designated as a c0rnm,,nlty action agen¢ <br /> or a community action program..under the provisions' of sectio <br /> 210 of tho Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 for fiscal yet <br /> 1981, or which came inll~ existence during fiscal year 1982 <br /> a direct succossdr in interest to such a community action agen <br /> cy or community action program and meets all the require <br /> ments under section 675(cX3)of this Act with respect to th <br /> composition of the board, unless such commttnity action agenc <br /> or a community action progr-m lost its designation under sec <br /> tion 210 of such Act as a result of a failure to comply with th <br /> provisions of such Act. The term %ligible entity" also include <br /> any limited purpose agency designated under title II of th <br /> Economic Opporbmlty Act of 1964 for fiscal year 1981 whic! <br /> served the general purposes of a comm~mlt~? action agenc <br /> under title II of such Act, unless such designated agenc~ <br /> its designation under title II of stich ACt as a result of a failur <br /> to comply with the provisions of such Act, any grl~atee whic <br /> received financial assistance under.section 222(a)(4) of. the Ec~ <br /> nomic Opporbmity Act of 1964 in fiscal year 1981, and. any <br /> gnnization to which a State which applied for and received <br /> waiver frdm tho Sec-rotary under Public Law 98--139 made <br /> grant under this Act in fiscal year 1984, If any geographic are <br /> of a Stats is not, or ceases 'to be, served by an eligible entit- <br /> the chief executive officer of the State may decide to serve su~ <br /> a new area by~ <br /> (A) requesting an existing eligible entity which is h <br /> cated and provides services in an area centignons to th <br /> new area to serve the new area; <br /> (B) if no existing eligible entity is located and provide <br /> services in an area contiguous to the new area, requestinl <br /> the eligible entity located closest to the area to be serve~ <br /> or an existing eligible entity serving an area within res <br /> <br /> <br />