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sonable proximity of the new area to provide services in <br /> tho new area: or <br /> (C) wher~ no existin~ eligible entity requested to serve <br /> w area decides to ~[o 80, designating any existing eli- <br /> the ne , , · oard meeting <br /> gible entity, any orJ~anLz.ntmno.w~c~3h) h0~Sa~a~b,~olltical sub- <br /> the requirements OIBGCT. I. OQ o/o.~,v/t / .~ ~; ,_.,__ <br /> f the State to Serve the new area. In mmun~ <br /> division o ........... ~- .uch chief executive <br /> ~si etlon unoer ~ms suopura~:-F,,, - . .... ,_ <br /> dp gn L-,. --'Va .~riorlty to suett orgamzauo.n- <br /> ~..~ i- __ - · .~.;nn which has n ooaru <br /> car's designsuon of ~u. urg~amz.a_.:-:%4n?.v3~ or a uolitical <br /> meeting the requirements o! secuou ~-~,-,, . <br /> subdivision of the State to serve the new area °hal[qualifY <br /> such or aniza.t, ian as an eligible en"yylt?i.%,*oc l~e <br /> g .. ina means eno u,,,,-,~ ~ --~ <br /> (2) The term pove~rt.~. I ----- -ad Bud,,et based on Bu- <br /> defined b.y th_e 0 - - ""-- § .... ta~' °halt revise the poverty <br /> reau of the uensus Race. z.u ~-~ <br /> <br /> feasible aaa <br /> · ' · community service block gran~ programs. The re- <br /> gibfl~t7 m · --'- --'"shed b" multiplying the offi- <br /> quired revision snail De accempu ~ . ~'~- <br /> ins b the percentage change tn the Uonsu.mer <br /> cial poverty li .~, ,,-~.-- a,-,umers during the annual or <br /> Price Index For ~ ur,~. <br /> other interv immediately preceding the time at which the re- <br /> the objectives of tho mocz gra,,- <br /> State may revise the poverty llne to not to exceed 125 percent <br /> of the official poverty llne otherwise applicable under this <br /> para~r~a~'e~o/.,, term "Secretary" means the Secretary bf Health <br /> and Human Servi,c,e..s,... ........ ~. -f the several States, the <br /> e term ~ace m~o.u. ~,,-.- ~ Rico <br /> (4) Th ...... o~.,~.nwe tth' of Puerto <br /> District of Commma,,~? ...... .~L'"-ae----a the Common- <br /> he Vir ' Islands,' ~-nertcau o= <br /> Guam, t .[[tn,_ -, -'--- ~-lands and the Trust Tern- <br /> ~th of *~'e ]Nortllern [vtantul~ ~- , <br /> · weal <br /> tory of the Phcific Islands. <br /> (42 u.s.c. 9902) - <br /> STATE ALLOCATIONS <br />SEC. 674. (a)(1) The Secretary shall from the amount appro- <br />priated under section-672 for each fiscal year which remains <br />after-- *; apPoFdonme~it required in <br /> (A) the Secretary makes the <br /> · kubsectton (bX1); and <br /> ' (B) tho Secretary determines the amount necessary for the <br /> <br /> ~964 bore to the total amoun~ rece~ve~ <br /> " to the Vi lei°sds of the United <br /> <br /> IE,~ioG ~j.~.t! OlrUuu ~ <br /> <br />1981 under such part;x except that no State shall receive less than <br />one-quarter of 1 percent of tho amount appropriated under section <br />672 tbr such fiscal year. <br /> (2)(A) Subject to subparagraphs (B) and (C), if the amount ap- <br />propriated under section 672 for each fiscal year which remains <br />after-r- <br /> (i) the Secretary makes the apportionment required in sub- <br /> section (b)(1); and <br /> (ii) the Secretary determines the amount necessary for the <br />purposes of section 681(c) <br />exceeds $345,000,000, the Secretary shall allot to each State not <br />le~ than one-half of I percent of the amount appropriated under <br />section 672 for such fiscal year. <br /> (B) Subparagraph (A) shall not apply with respect to a fiscal <br />year if the amount allotted under paragraph (1) to any State is less <br />than the amount allotted under such paragraph to such State for <br />fiscal year 1990. <br /> (C) The amount'allotted under subparagraph (A) to a State <br />shall be reduced, fi'necessary, so that the aggregate amount allot- <br />ted to such State under such subparagraph and paragraph (1) does <br />not exceed 140 percent of the aggregate amount so allotted to such <br />State for the fiscal year preceding the fiscal year for which a deter- <br />ruination is made under this paragraph. <br /> (3) For purposes of this subsection, the term "State" does no~ <br />include Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, s the Common- <br />wealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Trust Territory <br />of the Pacific Islands. <br /> (b)(1) The Secretary shall apportion one-half of 1 percent of the <br /> amount appropriated under section 672 for each fiscal year on the <br /> basis of need among Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin Islands, <br /> the Northern Mariana Islands, and the Trust Territory of the Pa- <br /> cific Islands, <br /> (2) Each jurisdiction to which paragraph (1) applies may re- <br /> calve grants under this subtitle upon an application submitted to <br /> the Secretary containing provisions which describe the pr?grams <br /> for which assistance is sought under this subtitle, and which are <br /> consistent with tho requirements of section 675. <br /> (c)(1) If, with respect to any State, tho Secretary- <br /> (A) receives a request from the governing body of an In- <br /> dian tribe or tribal organization within the State that assist- <br /> ance under this subtitle be made directly to such tribe or orga- <br /> nization; and <br /> (B) determines that the members of such tribe or tribal or- <br /> ganization would be better served by means of grants made dS- <br /> rectly to provide benefits under this subtitle; <br /> the Secretary shall reserve from amounts which would othe~vise <br /> be allotted to such State under this subtitle for the fiscal year the <br /> amount determined under paragraph (2), <br /> <br /> z So in original. Probably ~%ould b~ %ach section". <br /> ~Becauso ~ction 405(b}(2) of ~bUc Law 101~01 r~esi~a~d subsection (c) ns ~ubeectlo~ <br />(d) s ~o~g ~endment to ~Oon 674(I~IXB) ~ould be m~de ~ Kr~e 'se~ion 681(c}' <br /> <br /> * ~fere~m mho~d ~ ~ ~e V~ Isl~dm of ~e Unl~ 8~m. <br /> <br /> <br />