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Training/Staff Development Rationale <br /> <br />Effect/ye teeb~oloiy staff' development plans have critical attributes that are ~ased <br />upon research. On-site technical support and long-term, sustained staff <br />development and inserv~ce are two of the most critics/ attributes for successful <br />use of computers by teachers. TrAining educators to use technology effec~vely is a <br />more complex .task than we ever envisioned. 1Vfixed emot/ons o~en accompany t~e <br />introduction of new technolo~es and accomp~ny/ng changes. Effective school <br />star development for m~7,qng the most of new techuolo~es demands contin~n=% <br />structured support. The n~r~ber of educators who serve as tr~ers in our distr~ct <br />is sparse and must be exp~nded to meet the increased trai~ng needs at school <br />sites; and the trainers' sk~]s must be "upsk-~]led", m~ts/ned, and expanded. <br /> <br />Our trainers are typically teachers who are early adapters of tec~hnology v~th ~]t- <br />time instruc~onal responsibilities ~n the classroom. They are t~r~{ted in n~r~ber <br />and have various back=~rounds, interests, and levels of sophist/cation. They are <br />concerned about assisting fellow staff members in m~ing decisions that may <br />dramatically {mpact the school's instructional pro=or~. ~feanwh~]e, their peers <br />have an on-==o[u=~ need for help, or han~holH{n~ in using technology. These fellow <br />teachers prefer to learn about inte=?ation from co,:nterparts who have credibility <br />with instruction and computer-based tech~ology. <br /> <br />V~Sth the ~ndus{on of computer s~lls for students in the St~nd~rd Course of Study <br />and v~th approval by the SBE of computer proficiency as a graduation <br />requ/rement (Class of 9,000), tr~{ners need the s~]]s ~d l~nowled~e contA{ned in <br />the Level II Computer Competenc~es to prepare fellow educators in acqu~r~u~ the <br />skM]]s and ~owIed~e needed to help students master the Computer Education-- <br />S~A~ Course of Study Go~]~ A~d Objec~ves ~nd pass t~he ~'C S~a~e Computer <br />Proficiency Test. For these reasons, we have chosen to concentrate on <br />"ups~]]{n~" a cadre of teachers to serve as trainers as our major focus area. <br /> <br />Trainers who master the outlined objecffves will be able to: <br /> --offer a fo~al coac~h{ug program that c~n provide <br /> structured, on-the-job help to sta~ members learn{ng how <br /> 'to use new technolo~es. <br /> help provide technics/support for settiug up/ru_urHng stand- <br /> alone computer~netv;orked computers and resolving <br /> technical crises. <br /> --help develop resource-based materials for teachin~ v~hich <br /> model the ])est, effective uses of tenhnology. <br /> --help create learning environr~ents which extend beyond the <br /> walls of the school. <br /> help create a spiralling interaction ~r~d iucreased teacher <br /> ~nowtedge ~nd productivity. <br /> o~er experience and insight on tH~mphs and pitf~ls. <br /> <br /> <br />