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"SCHOOL CHILDREN'S FOOD PROTECTION LAW" <br /> A Hypothetical Example of the B. S./L in Action <br /> <br /> The state has just passed down to the counties a new mandate. This new law states that <br />in the wake of the tragic deaths by food poisoning of two children in a western state, and in <br />the interest of protecting our school children from any similar occurrence, all county school <br />cafeterias, food processing areas, and food tran.qportafion vehicles must meet new high <br />standards of cleanliness. In addition, they must be inspected once a week. No provision is <br />made for funding. Although the food poisoning deaths had nothing to do with the cleanliness <br />of the facilities, the legislators are loudly congratulated by the media and various children's <br />advocacy groups, and are generally seen to be doing ..... some*hlng. <br /> Meanwhile, back home in the counties, acting in accordance with the B.S.A., the new <br />mandate is place in the state spending budget_ After some investigation the following estimate <br />is made as to the total cost of implementation: <br /> <br />1. Hire one cleaning person per affected area at an actual cost salary <br /> & benefits of $22,000.00 X 20 affected areas for a total of <br />2. I-lire two additional cleaning people for vehicles also at $22,000,00 <br />3. Improvements to vehicles necessary for maintenance of cleanliness <br /> standard <br />4. Additions! cleaning supplies and increased utilities usage annna]!y <br />5. Hire two in~ectors, salary & benefits annually of $35,000.00 each <br />6. Purchase two vehicles for in.qpectors at $15,000.00 each <br />7. Building for innpectors' offices, including land <br />8. Hire secretary for in.qpectors' office <br />9. Paperwork, admin_, implementation of public notification, etc. <br /> <br />$+!.0,000.00 <br /> 44,000.00 <br /> <br />15,000.00 <br />28,000.00 <br />70,000.00 <br />30,00O.00 <br />105,000.00 <br />18,000.00 <br />30,000.00 <br /> <br /> TOTAL COST OF IMPT,F. MENTATION, FIRST YEAR $774.000.00 <br /> <br /> For our ex_ample, we will say that this will add $35.00 to the average property tax bill. <br />Under Article 117 of the B.S.A., a statement is mailed notifying each taxpayer of the name and <br />title of the new law and the amount of increase in his/her individnal tax bill. <br /> When the phones start ridging, calmly explain that it is part of the state mandated <br />spending budget, and quite beyond the control of local County Commi,sioners. ln¢orm the <br />call of which legislators voted for the mandate and provide hi.q/her phone nmnber. When the <br />outcry becomes so great that it can no longer be ignored, then tell the people that if they will <br />stand "shoulder to shoulder" with you, you will fight it. <br /> With all counties in the state banded together, and with the people rincng the Raleigh <br />phones offthe hook, we should be able to "ask" that the mandate be funded or repeale& <br /> By supporting passage of the B.S.A. in their county, the cornmi.qsioners can be seen to <br />be fighting again~ new taxes. Then when mandates come down, comml.qsioners can be seen <br />to be taking on those irresponsible lawmakers who are actually raising taxes. Best of all, this <br />will place the responsibility and accountability where it belongs, scpmrely in the laps of the <br />lawmakers. <br /> <br /> <br />