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GENERAL ASSE~IBLY ()F NORTH CAROLINA <br /> <br /> SESSION 1993 <br /> <br />HOUSE BILL <br /> <br />Short Tide: Unfunded Mandates Prohibiled. <br /> <br />(Public) <br /> <br />Sponsors: <br /> <br />Represenlutives Joye: Alph[n, Brawle¥, Edwards, Gardner, Hall, <br />Howard. lyes, Jenkins. Lemmond. McCombs, McCrary, McLawhorn. <br />Mercer. ~litchell, Nichols, C. Preston, Smith, Stewart, R. Thompson, <br />and Wilkins. <br /> <br />Referred to: Con~titt~tional Amendments and Rererend~. <br /> <br />! <br />3 <br /> <br /> 6 <br /> <br />II <br />[2 <br /> <br />I? <br />I.~ <br />Ic) <br />20 <br /> <br /> March 17, 1993 <br /> <br /> A BILL TO BE ENTITLED <br />AN ACJ- TO AMEND THE CONSTITUTION OF NORTH CAROLINA TO <br /> PROHIBIT CEI~TAIN UNFUNDED N(ANDATES TO COUNTIES AND CITIES <br /> BY THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AND TO AMEND THE GENERAL <br /> STATUTES TO ~'qAKE MANDATORY THE PREPARATION OF FISCAL <br /> NOTES FOR PROPOSED LEGISLATION THAT COULD REQUIRE <br />COUNTIES AND CITIES TO SPEND FUNDS. <br />Thc General A.,,sembly al, North C~rolina enacts: <br /> Section I. Article Vl[ of th~ North Carolina Constitution is amended by <br />adding ~ new section to read: <br />"Sec. 4. L~nfunded Stale mandales prnhih~ted. <br /> No county ~r ,nunicipalitv '~hull he I~ound by any ~enerul. law.requiring' the c~untv <br />or municipalilv !o ~pend funds unless fund,~ have been nppro.prjated by the Oeneral <br />Assembly fltat have been estimated at thc time of e.n.a~:tment to h~ sul,fident to I'und <br />.~nc.h ~.xp~ntliture fir th,~ expenditure is. required to comply with a federal law <br />requirernen! Or req~fir.~d rot. elieibilitv I'or.. a l,ederal .entidemenL which federal <br />Cequirement spccific:tllv c~,mtenl{dates ;~clfOn~ Iw c~unties .(~r municipalities ~br <br />compliance. No county t)r municipality ~hall he hatred by :my local act ,.r, eqtfirin~' the. <br />ext3entliture al, l,untls tmle~s tile local :let h.u3 been approved bv the local [overnment <br /> the act," <br /> <br /> <br />