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GENERAL ASSE~IBLY OF NORTH CAROLIN,\ SESSION I99J <br /> <br /> Sec. 2. Thet~mendment set out in Section 1 of this act shull be submitted <br /> 2 to the qualified voters of the Stole nt the general election in November 199J. '~,'hich <br /> ..3 eleclion shall be conducted under the [~ws Ihen ~ov~rnin~ ~lec~[o~s {n the State. At <br /> ~ that election, e~ch qtmli[i~d voter desiring (o vote shall he provided a ballot on which <br /> 5 shall be printed the <br />6 "1 ~ FOR Conx/~tufion.~l amendment to prohibi~ mand:lte~ from <br />7 S[al~ lo cound~ ~nd municipalilies rmtluirin~ the expenditure of <br />8 funds unles~ ~uf[iclent funds have been ~ppropria~ed by the Stat~ <br />9 to fund the expenditure or a local government ha~ ~pproved a <br />10 local act requirin~ tl~e exFendilure or [h~ expenditur~ is required <br />I by federal l~w or for eligibility to receive a federal entidement. <br />2 [ ~ AGAINST Constitutional amendment to prohibit mandate.~ from <br />3 the State ~o counties and municil~aliti~s requirin~ I1~¢ expenditure <br />Z of funds un[ess sufficienl [und~ have been appropriated by the <br />5 St;re to fund th~ expenditure or a local ~overnment has approved <br />6 a local oct requiring [he expenditure or the expenditure is required <br />7 by federal law t~r for eligibility Io receive a [edertd entitlement." <br />8 Those qualified voters f~vorln~ the ~mendment set Gilt in 3ect~on I <br /> 19 this act sh~ll vo~e by m~king ~n ,X or ~ check m~rk hi ~he squ~re beside the <br /> 20 beginning "FOR". nnd Ihose qualified voters opposed to ~h~t ;mentlm~nt shall <br />21 by makinE ~n X or check m~rk in the squ~re beside the statement <br />22 "AGAINST", <br />23 Noiwithstandin~ the fore,flag provisions of this section, voting m~chines <br />2~ m~v be used in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by the Slate Board <br />25 of ~lections. <br />26 See. 3. If a m~jority of votes c~st thereo~ ore in favor of ~he ~meudment <br />27 set out in Sectio~ ! o~ this act, the State Bo~rd o~ Etect~ons shall certify the <br />2g ~mendment to the Secret~ry of Sta~e, ~ho shall enroff the ~mendment so certified <br />29 ~mong the permanent records of his office, and the ~mendment becomes effective <br />30 upon such cerli[icntion. <br />3l Sec. a. O.S. 120-36.7 is ~mended by adding ~ new ~ubsection to read: <br />32 "(e) Mandates tO Local Ggvernments, --.Every bill ~nd re~oh~tion imroduc~d <br />33 the Oeneral AsSembly prooosin~ nnv chan~e in lhe law lhnt could require a coun~ <br />3a or municipality ~o snend funds shall have anached tO it at .~he time of i~s <br />35 c~nsideration by ~ Oenerol A~semblv a. fiscal n~e prel~ared hy..the Fiscal..Research <br />36 Division.. The fiscal no~ shall idenfiN and e~fimqte, for ~he..fir~L[ive fiscal ve~r~ the <br />37 oronosed chnnze would be in effect,, a!~ coslS ,Of the ~ropo~ed legislation..., fi, after <br />3g ~are[ul .inyestiga~i9n, the Fisc31 Research Division.d~ermines thai no d()llnr <br />39 is ~t)ssible, the no~e ~h~[~ contain a ~lntement to that elfect,.,settin~ [orlh th~ r~;~On~ <br />JI} why ~o dollar umount.c~ be ~iven.. NO.comment 9r Ol, inion, shnll he.iL~cluded i~ the <br />al fiscal hole wid~ re~rd lo the.merits ~l' .the measure t~pr which lh~, <br />a2 Howeve~,.~echnical and mechanical defects may he noted~ <br />~3 T~e soonso~ Of ¢:~ch b~tl ~r.resgl.u~ion {o which this ~hb*eqtion applies ~hall Pre,ertl <br />aJ a cOqV ~ff the bill .or resolution whh..d]e requ~s~ for a fiscal tl~e Fiscal <br /> <br />P.~ge 2 House Bill -~33 <br /> <br /> <br />