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' GENERAL ASSEMBLY OF Nf)RTIt CAROLFNA SESSION 1993 <br /> <br /> I Rese~rch Division. IJnon receinto[tl~¢ reauest and the copv of the bitl or resolution, <br /> 2 Ihe Fiscal Research Division *hal/ prepare the ~fis~al note as promptly as, oossihle. <br /> J The Fiscal Research Oiuision shall or¢oare lhe fiscal nO~e ~nd transmit it to <br /> 4 s0onsor within I~o weeks ;filer the reouest is made, unless the soonsor agrees to an <br /> 5 ~xtension of time. <br /> 6 This fiscal note shall be attached to the original Of each nrooosed bill or resolution <br /> 7 ~hal is reported favorably by any commiuee of Ihe General Assembly, bttt shall be <br /> 8 ~eparam [rom ~1~ bill or resolution and shall be clearly desienated as a fiscal no~e. A <br /> 9 fiscal, note a~mched t~ a bill.or re~ludon pursuant to this sub~ection is not.a par~ <br /> 10 the bill or resolution and is nde an expressiOn of legislative intent oro~osed by ~he.bill <br />II or resolution. <br />12 l[ a committee of lhe General Assembly re~orts favorably a prouosed bill or <br />13 resolution wid~ an amendment that oroposes n chan~e in the law that could require a <br />14 county or municipality !o mend Rinds, ~he chair of the committee shall obtain from <br />15 the Fiscal Research Division and auach Io the amended bill or resolution a fiscal note <br />16 as ~rovided in this section." <br />17 Sec. 5. G.S. 120-30.t5 reads as rewritten: <br />18 "~ 120-30.~$. Fiscal m~te on le.~slatton. <br />19 At the r¢(lUeS~ of lhe sponsor of any bill or resolution a[fectine~ the ~.,v.,,~,~.,_.': ......... <br />29 revenues of units of local government Gl this State. or of the chairman of the <br />2~ commiuee to ~hich such a measure is re[erred, or of any of the chairmen of the <br />22 Local Government Committees. or Gl any of the chairmen Gl the Appropriations. <br />2] Finance. Rules. or Senale Ways and Means Committees. the Fiscal Research Division <br />2t shall prepare a fiscal ~o~e conlaining on estimate of the impact of the measure on the <br />25 finances of the traits Gl local government affected during th~ ensuing two fiscal years. <br />26 Every bill and resolution introduced in Ihe General A~semblv pro~osinff ~nv chanCe <br />21 in ~he I~w that could require a counW or municioalitv to spend funds shall have <br />28 a~mched ~9 i~ a~ the time q[ consideration by the General Assembly a fiscal no~e <br />29 pre~aretl in accordance ~ilh O.S. 120-36.7(e~. The Office of S~ate Budget <br />30 Ma.agemenl. the Dep:~rtment of Revenue, the Department Gl the State Treasurer. the <br />]1 Department of the State Auditor. the State department most directly concerned, and. <br />32 where ~ppropri~te. officials of'units of loc~l government, upon the request of Fiscal' <br />~3 R~search Division. shall assist the Fiscal Research Division in the preparation of the <br />3a fiscal note. <br />35 C,~pies o~ fisc~l notes prepared lw. the Fiscal Research Division sh~ll be furnished <br />36 to the sponsor of ~l~e bill or re<olufion, lhe chairmen of ~he Local Government <br />37 Cm. mi~tecs, and Ihe chairmen of tl~e Appropriations. Finance. Rules. or the Senate <br />J8 Wa~. ~,d Means Cu,nmitte~s as ~ppropriate." <br />3q S~c. 6. This act is ~ffective upon ratification. <br /> <br /> <br />