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~ 4~]. UNFUNDED MANDATE9 P~O~IBITED. "TO AME~;D THE CONgTITUTXON <br />OF NORT~ CAROLI~A TO PROhibIT C~RTAIN UNFUNDED MANDAT~ TO <br />COUNTIES AND CITIES ~¥ T~Z STAT~ OF ~ORT~ CAROLINA AND TO AMEND <br />T~ G~RAL STATUTES TO MAK~ MA~;~ATORY TH~ PR~PAKATIOM OF FISCAL <br />NOTES[FOR PROPOSED L~GI~LATIO~ T~AT COULD R~QUIRZ COUNTXES AND <br />CITIES TO BPEND FU~Dg." Amend~ NC Con~tttution to provide that <br />{l) n~ city or county .hall be bound by ~ny general law <br />requt~ng lh %0 spend ~unde unle~ the General Assembly <br /> <br />~uffibl~nt to ~und the expendltur$ or the ~xpenditur, t$ <br />to co~ply with federal law cr required for elig~bility for a <br />~ed~r~l entitlement and (~) no city of county ~hall be bound by <br />any l~cal act r~quirin~ th~ expe~dltur~ of funds unl~ th~ local <br />~ct h~ been approved by the locml government affected by the <br />mcr. ~Constttutlonal amendment effective subJec~ to voter <br />appro~ai at Nov. 1994 ~l~e~lon. <br /> Add~ 05 120-~(e) ~o requir~ that every b~ll ~nd re~olution <br />lnkrcduc.d in th, U,naral A~s~mbly ~hat would require a local <br />gov~rhm~n% %o ~pend fund~ mu~% have a fl~cal n~t~ prepared by <br />Fi~ca~ R~earch Division attached ~o It when t% ~§ <br />~qu~e~ D~vi§lon tO prepare a fi,esl nots within fwo w~ek~ after <br />the r~que~t ia made ~quife~ f~cal nc~e %o b~ attached to the <br />o~{gl~al of each BuSh proposed or amended bill or resolution <br />r~port~d favorably by any committee of the General A~embl¥. <br /> <br />con~o~minq ch~n~e~ in OS 1~0-~0o45. Statutory change~ ~ffecttve <br /> <br /> conSt~t~tionat amendment. <br /> In%reduced by Joy~. <br /> <br /> <br />