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GENERAL ASSEB, IBLY OF NORTH CAROLINA <br /> <br />S~$SION 1993 <br /> <br /> I II',. after careful investigation,, the a~:en_cv determines that no dollar estimate is <br /> 2 p.o,~sible,.the note shall contain a statement to thqt effect, settin¢ forth the reasons <br /> 3 why no dollar amoun~.~ can be ~iven NO comme,~ or o~in.ion sh~tl, be included in <br /> a ( ,01e wi~h regard Io the m~rils of the rule for which it is preo~red. <br /> 5 (c) Errors. -- An erroneous fiscsl noteF'~-';~' ~n ~ .......... ,~,,,, ~t <br /> · ~,. .... ~ ~, ~ rale~ an a~encv tha~ was not 9repared after careful <br /> ? inve~ltgation.or that i~ in substantial, error shn!l invalidate the rule for which <br /> 8 errO~e6us ~sc~l..nOte was prepared. An erroneou.~ fiscal note orepared bY an <br /> 9 in ~Ood [~i~h after careful iO.~eslig~ion shall nO~ nf~e~l ~he.vnlldi~. of. lhe rule .for <br /> 10 ~hi~ ~t was ~ceoared. <br />1 I (d} Rule~.invalidated. -- If of a fiscal note for a proposed rule <br />12 ~eouired by O.$. 12.0~30.~8 or by ~bsection (b). of ~his section and a 5i~al no~e is not <br />13 pre~ared for..the proposed rule,,lh, en the fail, re ~o prepare the fiscal no~e shal! <br />l-a invalidate th~ rule," <br />15 Sec. a. G.S. 120-30.a8 re~ds a,~ rewritten: <br />16 "~ 120-30.48. F~s~l ~mpnc~ of admln~s~rntH'e rules. <br />17 ~-,' :~ :-~' · <br /> <br />lq C:S, I~0~ 21.L Any S~te affencv auihorized to adop~ rules.under Article 2A of <br />20 ~hap~er.150B of lhe..General Slalutes or any Stale agency o~herwise authorized by <br />21 statute to adopt regulations affecting, local governments i~ required to pr~oare a [iscal <br />22 note..~o~....eyerv proposed administrative rule lha~ could require a countV..or <br />23 municipality, tg.spend 5unds. The Oscal no~e shall be prepared in accordnnce wi~h <br />24 ~.S. la0B-21. , <br />23 sec. 5. This act is effective upon ratific:~d~n. <br /> <br />(.( <br /> <br />Page .a House Bill <br /> <br /> <br />