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CAROLINA TO ~IT C~TAI~! UNTU~ ~ULAT0~ MANDAT~ ~O <br />COUNTIES AND CITIE~ BY TR~ STATE OF NORT~ CAROLINA AND TO <br />T~g G~M~IRAL STATUTZ~ TO MAKE MANDATORY TH~ PREPARATION OF FISCAL <br />NOTES/FOR PROPO~ZD ~GULATIOM$ T~AT COULD R~QUIR~ COUNTIES AND <br />CITIE~ TO SPEND FUMDS." Adds n~w G~ 150B-19(7) prohibiting <br /> <br />munic!palt~y to .pond funds unl,s~ ~he General A.sembly ha. <br /> <br />~xpenditu~e t~ required by federal law o~ ~cr a federal <br />entitlement, and the federal requirement ~pectftcally <br />contemplates act{one by count~e, or munfcipaltkie~. Adds n~w <br />150S-21.2(a)(9) requlrtn~ that notice in the NC Register of <br /> <br />r.qut~ed, a statement that ~ copy O~ the ftle~l note has <br />provtd.d to th~ Joint Legt~lattvs Comm,n on Governmental <br />Opera~lons, the Fiscal R~.~reh Division, %h~ NC A~oct~tton of <br />Coun%~ Commis~ton~rs, ~nd the NC b.~gUe of Muntctp~litt~§. <br />Rewr~S,G~ 150B-21.4 re~ardluq ii,cai no't~ on rul.s to <br />r,qut~e ~tscal mote when rule could (formsrlyt would) r.qulre <br />eount~ or municipality to spend funds or ~f~ect tt~ rsv.nue~; <br />add r~guirement that the rule ~nd fiscal note be sent to tho <br />Jotnt{Legislattv~ Comm'n on Oov.rnment~l Opera,ions; (3) <br />that ~he note identify end e~tfmate ~I1 ~o~ts of the <br />rule ~or the first five fl,eel years it would be in effect, or <br /> <br />r~qutd~d ~xp~nditureef (~} prohibit the tnelust'on in a fi.eSl <br />note ~ any common% or opinion ~garding th~ merit~ of the rule~ <br />(6) p~ovtde that a rule ts invsllda%.d by an ~r~on.oua fiscal <br />note ~hat was not prepared after careful inveati~etlon or that <br /> <br />faithS&fret careful Investigation shall no~ ~ffect rule'~ <br />validity! ~nd {7} provide that if the ,,etlon or O~ 120-30.48 <br />r.qui~ ~ fiscal note and one i~ not pr.pared, th~ fatlur~ to <br />ptepa~ ~he note lnvalidate~ the rule. Rawrltel GS 120-~O.~B <br />requ~e ~ate agencies ~o p~epare a fi,cai no~e for every <br />propoWed ~dminiatrative rule that could require a county or <br />munlo~palt%~ ~o spend fundS. <br />lntrad~c~d hF <br /> <br /> <br />