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ALL1rED BPIECI~LTY IN~UR~NCEr <br /> 10451 GULF BOULEVARD <br />TREASURE ISLAND, FL~ ~706 <br />'Toll Free 1-800-237-*:~55 Na$ionaL <br /> 1-,~800-282-6776 FI. erida <br /> <br />Certiflcat~ nu. mber ~ ~1 <br /> <br />CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE <br /> FIREWORKS DI SF'LAY <br /> <br />NAME & ADDRE90 OF [NaUREDt <br />Fireworl.~s U~llmlted <br />Rti Box 257A <br />Yanceyvilter NC 27379 <br /> <br />COMPANY; <br /> <br />LIA B~' L~'TY LIMIT; <br /> <br /> ADDITIONAL INOUREDt <br /> Jay Howard Events et al <br /> R.J, Reynolds Tobacco Company <br /> Sports Harketing <br /> <br />~XGE~..CO~R~O~ ............................................... <br /> <br /> ~odlly Injury and <br /> property Damage; ...... ~ ~. J..~..~..Q l .(.~ .Q .~). [~ ~t.... ~ ............... ~ .................... ~ ..............~ ............................. ~ ..... <br /> E'.xces~ of Excess of <br /> ........ ~ ............................. ~ ..................... ~ ................................... ~ ........ <br /> Cta~ B Productm · ........ ~ .......................................... ~ ................................... <br /> <br /> Fr om; ~/O1/V~5 0/00/0o o/0o/oo <br /> To; ~/01/94 O/O0/O0 O/O0/O0 <br /> <br /> · - COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT <br />_ In the event of any material, cba~ge in, or car, ce;tm;ion of said policy(les), <br /> the company will. endeavor 'to give written notice to the party whom this ce~ .... <br /> tificate is issued, but failure 'to ~ive such notice shall impose ,o Liability <br /> or obt, lgatlon ~lpon the company, <br /> <br /> NAME & ADDRESS OF CERTIFICATE HOLDER; DATE OF DISPLAYI ..~Y.~_L 1993 <br /> RAIN DATE; · <br /> Jay Boward DISPLAY AHOOR~-'"~.: <br /> Jay Howard Events LOCATION OF <br />~ 6119 Birdsong Road Charlotte Motor Speedway Property <br /> ~qn~r~, c~d~q~ or the policy 'that all dlsptay~ be reported ~o the company <br /> [east 24 hours in advance of the dlspl, ay date, <br /> 'l't~is certificate neither affirmatively nor negatively amends, extends or alters <br /> the coverage afforded by the policy(les) described hereon, NOTE~ In the event <br /> · that rain or Inclement weaiheY prohiblt~ ~his dlsptey~ coverage will apply <br /> on a subse.[ue~t date on which the display Is he[d~ uithln the terms of the <br /> policy contract, Cleanup and pol. ici~t~ of ~he display are ~he responsibil, i~y <br /> of the <br /> The fottowl~ are additional i~suredst any fair or exposition; <br /> ~pO~soring ~r~anlza~lon or comp~ttee~ the owner or lessee of an~oPremi~es used <br /> by the Nameo insureo,or any puotic authority granting a permi~ the Named <br /> Insured~ but only as respects accidents arising out of the neg[ige;Ice of the <br />-- Named Iasured or the Named I~sured's employees ac~ing i~ the 'course m~d scope <br /> of their employment, A[mo~ am additional Named Insured~ any Independent Co;~"- <br /> 'tractor ~ho fires the display on behalf of 1he Named Ins,ired, This i~=urm~ce <br /> does ant apply to any failure to police or cleanup the display, or liability <br /> arising ~here from. <br /> <br /> This certificate Im not valid unless an original signature appears below, <br /> (Copies Not Vatld.) <br /> <br /> Coverage under the policy is conditioned upo~ fuji compliance by ail i~sureds <br /> wl!h all applicable Natiena~ Fire Protectlo~ Association (NFPA) (:odes <br /> ~andards in effect mt the ~lme of the display, <br /> <br /> ...... A~rll_.26~_! ~ ............................ z::.~__ <br /> B~i'e of Cert/f ca~e Iss~ance <br /> <br /> <br />