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ALLIED SPECIALTY INSURANCE, INC, <br /> 10451 GULF BOtI_E]VAF~[' <br />'I'REASI. J[i~E ISl..AND, FL, ~5'706 <br />Tel.[ F~-e~ 1.... 800.... 23 "7- 3355 Nat i oriel. <br /> ~-~00-2~2-.6776 F' I. er i da <br /> <br />CERTIFICATE DF INSURANCE <br /> I::'IREWORK9 DISPLAY <br /> <br />NAME & ADDREB8 OF INSUREDt <br />Fi rewol'ks Un [imi 'ted <br />Rt 1 Box 25'7A <br />Ymnceyvi tee, NC 27J'79 <br /> <br /> ADDITIONAL INSUREDt <br />Jay Howard Events et al <br />Charlotte Motor Speedway <br /> <br />CDM PA NY t <br /> <br />POLICY NtJMI~ER; <br />LIABILITY LIMIT ~ <br />BOdiLy I~Jury and <br />property Dame cje t .... ~ l~ D.Q ~. ~g .0.~ ~I....~ ..... <br /> <br /> Excess of Excess of <br />........ .~ ....................... ~ .............. ~ .......................... *_.. <br /> <br /> 0[00/00 0/00/00 <br /> 0/00/00 0/00/00 <br /> <br /> ~ '- COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT <br /> <br /> In the event of any material change In~ o~~ canceLLation of said poLicy(les), <br /> the company ;~i tt endea¥or to give ~ri~ten notice to the party ~hom 1his cer-- <br /> tificete is [~sued~ b~t failure to give such notice shaft Impose ~o LiabiLity <br /> or obligation upon the company, <br /> <br /> NAME & ADZE88 ~ CERTIFICATE HOLDER~ DATE ~ DISPLAYI ~.[~..~_~_~.~993 <br />Mr. Jay Howard, Jay Howard Events RAIN DRTE~ <br /> DIgPL~Y ~MODR? ·. <br />~il9 ~i~ ~on~ Bo~d LOCATION OF DISPLAY~ <br />Co~co~d, NC 2S035 Charlotte ~,{oto~ S~eed~y <br /> <br /> It Is a condition of the poLicy ti]at aL[ ~l~p[ay~ ~e i'eported to tr~e COmpany <br /> Lee~t 24 hour's J~ advance o~ the display date. <br /> Thl~ certificate neither affirmatively nor z~egatlve[y ame~ds~ extends <br /> the covel-a~e afforded by the poLicy(le~) de~ct'lbed he~-eon. NOTE= In the event <br /> that t-eta or inclement weather prohlbit~ this displays coverage wi [[ aPpLy <br /> o~ e s~bse.iuent date on ~hlch the dlspiay is hel. d~ ~lthin the terms of the <br /> poi. Icy contract. C[eannp and policing of the display are the responsibility <br /> of the sponsors. <br />The fotLowin9 are additlo~ta[ insu~:ed~ any fair or exposition, a~sociatlo~, <br />~ponsortnq organization or committee, the o~ner o~' Lessee of any pt"emi~es <br />by ~he Named In~ured~or any p~bl. ic a~horlt~ ~rentin~ a permit to the Named <br />~nsuY'ed, but only as i-aspects ct~_nt~ el I=ln~ out of th_ negtlge~ce of the <br />,4amed Inapt-ed or the Named Insured's employees acting ;n the coui'se and scope <br />of their employment. ALso, as additlo~el. Named Insured, any Independent Con- <br />tractor ~ho fires the display on bahai? of the Named Insu~-ed. This <br />doe~ not apply to a~y feil.~re to police or cleanup the diGpLey~ or LiabiLity <br />al"i~ lng ~here from. <br /> <br /> ~ls certificate Is aot valid unless a~ original slgnat~re appears beto,, <br /> (Copies Not VaLid,) <br /> <br /> Covet-a~e under the policy 1~ conditioned upon 'fuLL compLiance by eLL insu~"ed~ <br /> ~lth ail eppl. icab[e National Fi~"e Protection A~soclatien (NFPA) code~ end <br /> standards tn effect at the time of the display. <br /> <br />D~te of Certificate Issuance .......... ~ ~athor~ <br /> <br /> <br />