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PROGRAM NARRATIVE <br /> <br />Page 4 <br /> <br /> The Temporary Shelter Care will be staffed by North Carolina Lutheran <br />Family Services to include a director and four child care workers at all <br />times. It is the responsibility of staff to provide supervision, care, <br />school attendance, problem solving, medical appointments, and implement <br />behavior mod program with each resident. Staff assures that requirements <br />for visitation, activities, and appointments are held as scheduled. <br />Twenty-four hour care including food, clothing, shelter, supervision is <br />provided by the home staff. <br /> <br /> Referrals for placement are accepted from community agencies and the <br />biggest majority come from the Juvenile Court counselors. The counselor <br />notifies the Department of Social Services that a child needs placement and <br />provides information regarding the child. The DSS social worker visits the <br />child and family and assesses for placement at the home. The social worker <br />and court counselor discuss the goals of placement and the program director <br />and director of the home agree on placement. All youths served in this <br />program will be under the custody of and recommended by the Cabarrus County <br />Department of Social Services. The decision for admitting a youth will be <br />the responsibility of program manager in consultation with the director of <br />the facility. Any youth may be admitted except those who are so emotionally <br />handicapped that their inclusion would possibly be harmful to the other <br />youths or the staff. A youth may be admitted to the program at any time <br />through the day or night on any day of the year. Me may remain for a <br />maximum of ninety days unless an extension is requested in writing by the <br />program manager after consultation with the director of the facility. A <br />child remains in the program as long as there is a need not to exceed ninety <br />days unless extension is granted. Child is terminated from the program when <br />a long term placement is located; the child is returned to his natural home, <br />or the child is admitted to some other facility including treatment for <br />psychiatric problems. <br /> <br /> Ail children in the program will be responsible for maintaining their <br />own laundry and keeping their room clean. Children will be assigned <br />household chores and inspections will be held once a week. All children in <br />the program attend public school and if they are on suspension, they follow <br />a school schedule with educational materials in the home. Individual <br />privileges and activities according to the child's interests are given daily <br />unless the child is on restriction. Group activities are planned and the <br />group decides on the activity particularly for weekends. Children are <br />permitted to visit with family if approved by their social worker for the <br />weekend. Group sessions for discussion are held regarding problems in peer <br />relationships or if there is a problem with the group interacting. <br />Individual sessions are held by the director or residential coordinator in <br />working with behaviors of the individual child. Plan of care meetings are <br />held every two weeks where the child, parent, court counselor, and social <br />worker from DSS meet with the staff of the home and discuss progress towards <br />goals with the child both individual and family. Children are provided an <br />allowance each week. All residents may participate in the Boys club and <br />activities that the club provides in the community. Holidays and birthdays <br />are acknowledged with group participation and volunteers assisting with <br />special occasions for the residents. <br /> <br /> <br />