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Page 4.1 <br /> <br /> Work with families of these residents is done mainly by the DSS social <br />worker. The social worker begins by doing an assessment of the home setting <br />including identifying problems that contributed to the child's placement. A <br />service agreement is then finalized between the parent and social worker <br />identifying goals and time limits and activities to alleviate those <br />problems. Home visits with the family as well as plan of care conferences <br />at the home and office meetings at the DSS are held often between the social <br />worker and the family. A visitation agreement is signed stating when the <br />child may visit, the length of visit, and any special requirements for <br />supervision during the visit. Community referrals are made for families <br />needing services through Mental Health, Vocational Rehabilitation, financial <br />services, and housing services. Counselling by DSS social worker is <br />provided to the family in identifying problems, goal setting, problem <br />solving, communication, reality based therapy, and parent-child <br />relationships. Education is provided regarding parenting skills, child <br />development, budgeting, and other identified needs within the family. The <br />family participates in staffing and review team meetings and accompanies the <br />social worker in assessing long-term placement plans if they do not include <br />a return home. <br /> <br /> The Temporary Shelter is housed in the oity of Concord and is a <br />two-story structure containing six bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, living <br />room, laundry area, and office. Two baths are available for the children <br />and five bedrooms are available for them. A separate bedroom and bath is <br />available for a child care worker so that one is on the premises at all <br />times. The back yard is fenced in and there is a three space carport and <br />basketball goal outside. The facility is located in the downtown area close <br />to Boys Club, library, shopping centers, and recreational center. <br /> <br /> The program can be very effective with children whose needs can be met <br />by a behavior modification system. Concerns that affect the success of the <br />program are: l] The severely emotionally disturbed child or chronic <br />substance abuser who is unable to be served in a facility that is not <br />treatment oriented for specific problems; 2] The lack of long-term care <br />facilities for the child to enter after leaving the program when he cannot <br />return home. During the past year, the problems identified by these <br />residents have been very severe and the lack of resources for placement for <br />treatment or unavailability of a timely long term placement facility creates <br />concern because the child cannot move directly into continued placement. <br /> <br /> A group home specializing in working with teenagers before the court <br />such as this facility has impact on changing a child's behavior. The child <br />receives structure in consistent discipline, constant supervision, and can <br />show non delinquent/undisciplined behaviors while in placement. <br /> <br /> We have found that the home has been full almost constantly. Some of <br />the children at the home have ended up going to psychiatric care including <br />hospitalization but none have gone to training school. We have found the <br />problems of the children placed in the home have been severe and resources <br />for long-term placements have declined for the severe emotionally disturbed <br />child creating longer placement time in this facility. <br /> <br /> A burglar alarm was installed in the group home on 8/31/91, and this <br />has tremendously decreased the number of runaways. Prior to the <br />installation of the burglar alarm, the juvenile would crawl out the window <br />during the night and runaway. Now, the burglar alarm goes off and the staff <br />member is alerted during the night; however, juveniles do not attempt to run <br />since they do know all windows and doors have an alarm activated. <br /> <br /> <br />