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AMENDMENT <br />Coddle Creek Reservoir- <br />October 22, 1993 <br />Page 5 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />stations and quantitative evaluation of recruitment, will be <br />implemented for 20 of the habitat creation areas. <br />Qualitative monitoring will be performed in the remaining <br />planting areas. Monitoring will be performed by <br />experienced biologists. <br /> <br />Cabarrus County has required that NCSU provide a <br />warranty for installed vegetation such as the bare-root tree <br />and shrub saplings. This warranty guarantees survivorship <br />of at least 80 % of planted individuals through the ends of <br />years 1, 2, 3 and 4. An 80% area coverage of non- <br />nuisance wetland vegetation is required for all habitat <br />creation areas by the end of the 7-year monitoring period. <br />If it is noted on any monitoring events during years 1-4 <br />that percent survivorship of installed species has dropped <br />below 80 %, the report for that event may recommend that <br />NCSU replant as necessary to accomplish an 80% <br />survivorship level. If it is noted on any.monitoring event <br />during years 5-7 that percent cover of non-nuisance wetland <br />vegetation has fallen below 80% area coverage, the report <br />for that event may recommend a remediation plan to meet <br />permit conditions. <br /> <br />Preservation Areas. As partial mitigation for wetland <br />impacts, Cabarms County will preserve over 160 acres of <br />moderate to high quality forested uplands and wetlands in <br />the reservoir buffer. These areas will be monitored to <br />assess the natural process of succession and wildlife <br />utilization. <br /> <br />Methodology - Associated with monitoring of the various <br />habitat creation areas, transects will be established across <br />specific areas to be preserved. For areas requiting more <br />than one transect, these will be spaced approximately 100 <br />meters apart and will span the width of the preserve area. <br />Parameters recorded will include species of trees, number <br />of individuals of each species, and the diameter at breast <br />height (dbh) of each tree within 5 meters of each side of <br />the transect. Other vegetative cover, including shrubs and <br />herbs, along with the distribution and approximate percent <br /> <br /> <br />