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C.v. barr~s Ca,,r,~. M:slzr ?:r~ c..~ Rtcrtc.~ic,~ ~n <br /> <br />Section 6 <br />Action Plan Implemen~fion <br /> <br />Instrumental to implementation of the Master Plan is the identification of adequate f~nding, at <br />time when balancing county budgets ~hrougho'at the State has become increasingly difficult. The <br />recently completed Noruh Carolina Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan identified <br />inadequate ~nding for park facilities and recreation programs as a key issue n~ing to be <br />addressed in the next 5 3'ears if the stzte is to maintzin basic minimum services. According to <br />the U.S. Census Bureau, per capita funding for par'ks and recr~tion ser',,ices 0xroughout the <br />of North Carol~a, including local government, is 33 % below the national average. Even though <br />funding is currently tow, it does not appe2.r ko reflect the high value Cabarrus County citizens <br />place on parks and recreation. The recently c~mp]eted 1991 Sur~,ey of R~Jdent Preference <br />t0 Cabarrus County's Capital Improvement Prorram prepared by uhe Planning and Zoning <br />Department, showed that five park projects where ranked in the top fif~,-five projects desired by <br />county residents. Providing a district park in the northern section of the county was ranked <br /> <br />The capital improvement plan for ~he next fifteen ye,.rs is estimated at $10,994,500 ($732,966 <br />per year). This cost includes for land acquisition, si~e preparation, site utilities, access and <br />parking and specific facility improvements. The plan is broken down as follows: <br /> <br />District Pzr~ <br />Greenways <br />Grants for Community <br />and Neighborhood Improvements <br />Existing Park Improvements <br />Design and Admin. Fees <br />Contingencies (]0% factor) <br /> <br />$6,000,000 <br /> 1,4-00,000 <br /> <br />1,400,000 <br /> 750,000 <br /> 445,000 <br /> 999,500 <br /> <br />Total Capital Cost Projections <br /> <br />$10,994,500 <br /> <br />All proposed costs are presented in 1991 dollar values. If Lake Concord can be acquired through <br />a joint effort wi~ the City of Concord, ~,nd if land can be dedicated for the greenway a <br />substantial saving em be expected. <br /> <br />The grind total cost for operating the Cabarrus Count)' Parks and Recreation Department through <br />the year 2005 ~s estknated at $12,720,200 ($$48,013 per year). Operation budgets for the prat <br />ten years were studied in m~ing these recommendations. All of the proposed operations budget <br />is presented in 1991 dollar values. The budget does not include funds for the matching incentive <br />grant program (included under capital knprovements) for the property maintenance division. <br />Revenues generated new parks md pro~arns are also not included. <br /> <br />All existing surf positions within the Cabz,'?.as County Parks md Recre2tion Department are <br />warranted but responsibilities are broaden as the department grows over the next <br />fifteen years. Full time positions to be added due to new park development and some expansion <br />of programming include: (1) park superintendent, (1) special events supervisor; (1) naturalist; (2) <br />park supervisors; (3) recreation coordinators; and (13) m~intenance personnel. <br /> <br />November 1991 <br /> <br /> <br />