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A RESOLUTION STATING THE INTENT OF THE <br /> WATER AND SEWER DISTRICT OF CAB~RRUS COUNTY <br /> TO CONSIDER ANNEXATION OF THE AREA DESCRIBED HEREIN AND <br />FIXING THE DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE QUESTION OF ANNEXATION <br />OF PROPERTY IN THE IDENTIFIED AREAS <br /> <br /> BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the Water and <br />Sewer District of Cabarrus County that: <br /> <br /> SECTION 1. It is the intent of the Board of Commissioners of <br />the Water and Sewer District of Cabarrus County to consider <br />annexation of the following-described territory pursuant to Article <br />6, Chapter 162A of the General Statutes of North Carolina: <br /> <br />AREA I-C <br /> <br /> Beginning at a point on the Township 1 line 500 feet west of <br />the centerline of N.C. 49 and on the existing Water and Sewer <br />District of Cabarrus County Boundary (point 1); thence north with <br />a line 500 feet west of the centerline of N.C. 49 to a point 500 <br />feet east of the centerline of Old Charlotte Road (SR 1157) (point <br />Z); thence south with a line 500 feet east of the centerline of Old <br />Charlotte Road to its intersection with the Township 1 line (point <br />3); thence west with the Township 1 line-to the point of beginning. <br /> <br />AREA II-A <br /> <br /> Beginning at a point 500 feet north of the Miami Church Road <br />(SR 1132)/U.S. 601 intersection at a point 500 feet east of U.S. <br />601 and on the existing Water and Sewer District of Cabarrus County <br />Boundary (point 1); thence east following a line 500 feet north of <br />the centerline of Miami Church Road to a line 500 feet east of the <br />centerline of Country Home Road (SR 1185) (point 2); thence <br />southwest with a line 500 feet east of the centerline of Country <br />Home Road to the centerline of Cold Water Creek (point 3); thence <br />south with the centerline of Cold Water Creek to a point 500 feet <br />east of the centerline of the Cold Water Creek Bridge on U.S. 601 <br />and on the existing Water and Sewer District of Cabarrus County <br />Boundary (point 4); thence north with a line 500 feet east of the <br />centerline of U.S. 601 and the existing District Boundary to the <br />point of beginning. <br /> <br />AREA II-B <br /> <br /> Beginning at a point on the centerline of Rocky River 500 feet <br />south of Garmon Mill Road (SR 1114) bridge (point 1); thence in a <br />southerly direction with the centerline of Rocky River to a point <br />where this line would intersect the centerline of Whitley Road (SR <br />1195) if the same where extended east of Hopewell Church Road (SR <br />1113) (point Z); thence west along the said extension of the <br />centerline of Whitley Road and the actual centerline of Whitley <br /> <br /> <br />