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§153A.9S CH. ~ss.~. COU.~T]ES §153A-98 <br /> <br /> ]ic inspection and shah Become part of the employee's per- <br /> sonnel file. <br /> (el) Even if considered part of an employee's personnel fi]e, the <br />fol]o~in=" ~ information need not be disclosed to an emp]o)'ee nor to <br />any other person: <br /> (1) Tes~inz or examination mater~a] used solely to determine <br /> 5ndiv~ua] qualifications for appointment, employment, or <br /> promotion ~n the county's service, when d~sclosure would <br /> compromise she objectb'ity or the fairness of%he testing or <br /> examination process. <br /> (2) InYest~gat~ve repo~s or memoranda and o~her ~nformation <br /> concerning the fm'esfigatfon of possible criminal actions of <br /> an employee, until the investigation fs completed and no <br /> criminal action taken, or until the criminal action ~s con. <br /> cluded. <br /> (3) Information that might identify an undercover law enforce- <br /> ment officer or a law enforcement ~nformer. <br /> (4) No~s, preliminary drafts and internal communications <br /> concerning an employee. In the event such ma~rfals are <br /> used for any o~cial personnel decision, then the emplo),ee <br /> or hfs duly authorized agent shah have a right to inspect <br /> such materials. <br /> (c2) The board of county commissioners may permit access, sub- <br />ject to limitations they may impose, to se]ectedpersonnel files by a <br />professional representath, e of a training, research, or academic in- <br />stitution person ce~Jfies that he will not re]ease fnformatfon <br />~dentifyf~g the employees whose files are opened and that the infor- <br />mation ~]1 be used solely for statistical, research, or ~achfng pur- <br />poses. Th~s certification sk~]l be re~fned by the county as long as <br />each personnel file so ex.mined ~s retained. <br /> (d) The board of commissioners of a county that maintains per- <br />sonne] files containing information other than ~he information <br />mentioned ~n subsection (b) of this section shall establish proce- <br />dures whereby an employee ~'ho objects to ms.rial in his file on <br />~ounds that ft is inaccurate or misleading may seek to have the <br />material removed fi'om the file or may place fn the file a statement <br />relating to the material. <br /> (e) A public official or emp]o),ee who knowing]y, willfully, and <br />with malice permits any person to have access to information con- <br />tained fna personnel fi]e, except as fs permkted by th~s section, ~s <br />~flty of a m~sdemeanor and upon conviction shall be fined an <br />amount not more than fiYe hundred dollars ($500.00).. <br /> (fl Any person, not specifically authorized by this section'to have <br />access to a personnel file desf~ated as confidential, who shah <br />knowingly and willfully examine fn frs o~cfal filing place, remove <br />or copy any portion of a confidential personnel file shall be guilty of <br />a m~sdemeanor and upon conYfct~on shah be fined fn the discretion <br />of the court but not ~n excess of five hundred dollars ($500.00). <br />(1975, c. ~01, s. 1; 1981, c. 926, ss. 1, 5-8.) <br /> <br />23 <br /> <br /> <br />