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DNA.734 <br /> <br />Home ~nd Community Care Block Gr'~t for OlderAdult= <br /> County Funding <br /> <br />Methodology ~o Address Service Needs of Low-Income Minority gderty ' ' <br /> (Older Americans Act, Section 306(a)(S)(A)(ii)) <br /> <br />:ommunitySer~ceProvlder L.I,F.E. Cen.:er, Inc. <br /> <br />COUl'~y. Cabarrus July I, 1992 through June 30, ]993 <br /> <br />The Older Americans Act requires that the service pro~der attempt to provide services to Iow. <br />income minority indi~dusJs in at leest the same proportJon u the popula~on of Iow~ncome <br />minority indi~du~$ be~m to the populi~on of ~der persons of t~e coun~ sired by the provide~ <br />The community service pro~der sh~l speti~ how the sem4ce needs oflow4ncome mino~ty ~deHy <br />w~ll be met throulh the services identified on the Pro~der Servlcet Summery (DNA-732). This <br />n~-,,G~e sh~l address outreach and service del~ery metJ~d~o~e~ ~t will ensure that this <br />popula~on is ad~quate~ served. Addi~on~ pales may be used u necessary. <br /> <br /> The L.:.¥.E. Center has t~ad~t~onally emphas~:ed the need to address the <br /> concerns of al1 elderly and hand,capped ~nd~v[duals ~n out community, including <br /> the population of ~o~ income m~nor~cy ~ndtv~dua~s. Present~y, 30Z o~ our <br /> participants vho are beans serviced under State AduLt Day Care ~und[n8 <br /> ~l conve~t co fio~e and Co~unLty Care ~oc~ Grant funding), are lo~ £n¢ome <br /> m~nor~ty £nd~v~dua!s. T~[s is a group often £ound to be least able co a~fotd <br /> services but ~n greatest need o~ setvLces. <br /> <br /> The out:each and service de~t?ery methodotogy the L.~.~.£. Center ~[L use ~s <br /> going to be a ¢ont£nuat~on o~ ~e methods ye currently ha~e Ln ptace. Over <br /> t~e last e£ghceen years :he L.[.E.~. Center has been actively ~nvolved <br /> o~het aging ser¥~ce providers ~n Csbarrus County to effectively netvork vL~h <br /> pubiC: and private agencies co decrease gaps that may prevent ~nd~v~dua~s <br /> ftom gett~n8 needed services. Some o~ the ~ays ~n ~h~cb the L.~.r.E. Center <br /> has done chis are as £o~Lo~s: <br /> <br />I. The L.:.~.£. Cnn:et has ~een £n ~he pas: an act'~ve member o£ c~e Cabarrus <br /> Aging ~et~otk (CAN) and ~s a co-sponsor ~n currently re~v~ng :h~s <br /> tan: group co he~p ~utther netvork ~th ag£n$ service providers ~n the <br /> de~very o~ services. The L.[.E.E. Center ~a a~so involved ~n organ~:ed <br /> monthly'meetings ~th Cabartus ~nteragency Group and The ~n~ced ~ay ~o <br /> reach all ~ho may be ~n need o~ services, including m~nor[ty £nd~v£dua~s. <br />2. L.~.r.E. Center s~a£f ~s continually speaking to groups, ~nc~ud~n8 <br /> m~nor[ty groups, about :he services ~e provide and assistance to those <br /> ~ho are eL~g£bLe. Brochures a~d information about the L.[.~.~. Center <br /> a~so mention available he~p ~o t~ose ~ho qualify. <br />3. Re£etrats for state scho£arsh~p recipients o~ten :~mes have been made <br /> through the Department of Soc~a! Ser~ces for cLLents ~ey serve. ~q~Le <br /> ~und£n.g vLl[ no ;u,~er be Lh:o~l* ~he Department o~ So:la; Se~¢~ces, <br /> monthly monttot£ng, yearly cert[~catLon, and re~etra~s ~L continue to <br /> be provided through the£t department. Constant contact ~s ma£nta~ned <br /> ~th soc£al ~orkers petta£n£~g to services the L.~.~.~. Center provides <br /> an~ ho~ ~hett clients can be setutced through the L.2.F.~. Center. <br />&. T~e L.~.¥.E. Center ~orks jointly v{th the Department on Aging to <br /> collaborate on provLdtn~ services to the elderly ~n Cabartus County. <br /> Through respLte cate, ]o£nt programming, and referrals, staf~ from both <br /> agencies have cooperaced to~ether to assure aL! :!lents and/or <br /> ate provided necessary set~ces. <br /> <br /> <br />