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CABA~RUS COUNTY DEPARTMEN~ OF AGING <br /> REGARDING COH~UNZT~ DEVELOpHENT B~K <br /> ~TZ~ ~DS ~ BE USED ~ PROVIDE <br /> P~LZC <br /> <br /> ~ls Agreement ~adethls Zst day of September ~n the yea~ <br /> <br /> f~rst pa~, heYe~nafter called ~e Rec~pient, and the Cabarrus <br /> County Depar~en~ of Aging, party of ~e second part, hereinafter <br /> called the Subrec~p~e~. <br /> WI~ESS~H ~T~ <br /> <br /> 1989 Co~unlty Development Block Grant ~tttlement funds fro~ <br /> U.S. Oepartm~t of Housing and ~n Developmen=; and <br /> <br /> ~, according to Co~un~Development Bl~k Grant Pr~ram <br /> Entitlement Grant Re~latlons up to 15% o~ the total Grant award <br /> be e~ended to support public se~ce activities; and <br /> <br /> ~S, the Board cf Alde~en of the City of Concor~ has <br /> approved a Grant Pro, eot Budget Ordinance for ~e 1989 CD.unity <br /> DeveloPment Block Grant Priam which allocates to ~e Subrectp~en~ <br /> <br /> ~S, It is a re~ir~ent of ~e U.S. Depar~ent of <br /> and Ur~n Development that an a~eement shall be executed by and <br /> between the Recipient and the Subrecipient evidencing the te~g of <br /> sa~d a11~ation to the Subrectple~t. <br /> <br /> (1) Statement of Work <br /> <br /> ~e Cabals County Deponent of Aging shall <br /> provide for ~a design an~ const~ct~on 0f a <br /> <br /> elderly residents of Ca~r~s County. <br /> awarded to ~e Department of Aglng shall ~ used <br /> to help pay ~he cost of const~ct~on of ~e Senior <br /> Center. Depending upon ~e rate of pr~ess <br /> const~ctlon, either ~arterly ~en~ or a lu~p- <br /> sum pa~ent shall be ~de to ~he Depa~ment off <br /> Aging In ~e fo~ of a <br /> <br /> ·otal funds budget~ for award to Aglfig Se~lces <br /> shall be $17,000. <br /> <br /> (2) Records and ReDo~S <br /> <br /> ~e ~breclp~ent shall maintain a~rate and <br /> plate reco~s of ~e costs of providing flor <br /> design an~ cons~ct~on of ~8 Sen~or <br /> Su~ records sba11 inolu~e~ ~t n~ li~ed <br /> ~age rates and o~er da~ to ~nfl~ Compliance <br /> w~e Dav~s-B~con Act~ the Con.act WoFk Hours <br /> aha Safety Sta~da~s Act an~ o~er applicabl~ <br /> federal, sta~e and 1~1 lay. ~ ~o pro~ec~ <br /> professes, ~e Subrectplent shell ~ke all <br /> re~rds available to ~e Recipient and ~ <br /> order to assist ~e lecipien~ In ~eeting <br /> reco~-keepin~ an~ re~rting ~ire~ents. <br /> <br /> Pa~a [ of 5 <br /> 989) ~- I <br /> <br /> <br />