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~ (3) Proaram Ineone <br /> <br />il The Subrecipient shall not retain program <br /> No progreu income Is to be generated by funds <br />4 awarded to the Subreclpient, Funds are to be <br /> <br /> ~ne Subrectpient shall comply with all <br /> i uniform administrative requirements. Specifi- <br /> cally, OMB Circular A-122 and certain attachments <br /> to OMB circular A-110 as described in Section <br /> 570.502 of the Community Development Block Grant <br /> PrOgram Entitlement Grant Regulations, copies of <br /> i which are attached hereto. <br /> {5) Other Pro.ram <br /> <br /> I The Subreciplent shall carry out each activity In <br /> compliance with all Federal 1awe and regulations <br /> · described in Sub-Part K of the Entitlement Grant <br /> Regulations~ except that= <br /> I (i) The Subrectpient does assume <br /> the <br /> Rec~pient~s environmental responsibilities <br /> described in Section 570.6045 and <br /> ! <br /> (tl1 The Subrecipient d~es not assu~e the <br /> Recipient'e responsibility for lnitiatln~ <br /> the review process under Executive Order <br /> 12372. <br /> I (6) Conditions for Reltatous <br /> <br /> The Subreclpient repre=ents that it is not, nor <br /> I may it be de~med to be, a religious or deeoeina- <br /> ttonal institution or organization nor an organi- <br /> zation operated for religious purposes which <br /> eupe~vlsed or controlled by or in connection ~ith <br /> a relig~ous or denominational institution or <br /> I er~anl~atton~ <br /> (?) S~sDension and Tez~ination <br /> <br /> termination cay eccur if the Subrectpient mate- <br /> riall¥ fails to comply v~th any ~erm of the avard~ <br /> and the award =ay be te~tinated for convenience <br /> I accordance with 24 CFR 85.44. <br /> (8) Reversion o~ Xssets <br /> <br /> i Upon the expiration of this agreement, the <br /> Suhrecipient shall transfer to t-ha Recipient <br /> any CO~ funds on hand at the time of expiration <br /> and any accounts receivable attributable to the <br /> use of ~DB~ funds, Any real property under <br /> I Subrecipient's control that was acquired or <br /> improved in whole or in part with COB~ funds <br /> excess of $15,000 i~ either: <br /> <br /> I (ii Used to meet one o£ the national ob~ectives <br /> In section 570.205 until five years after <br /> expiration of the Agreement, or such longer <br /> period of time as date~ined appropriate by <br /> I the Recipient~ or <br /> (ii) Is disposed of in a manner vhich results in <br /> the Recipient bein~ reimbursed tn the amount <br /> i of the current fair market value of the <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br /> <br /> <br />