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AGREEHENT B E~E F,N <br /> THE CITY OF CONCORD AND <br /> <br /> ~ITL~ ~DS ~ BE US~ ~ PROVIDE <br /> p~LIC S~VIC~ <br /> <br /> ~is Agreement =ada this 5~ day of Never In ~e year 1990, <br />by and ~tween ~e City of Concord, No~ Caroltna~ party of the <br />first ~rt, hereinafter called ~e Recipient, an~ ~e <br />County De~r~ent o~ Aqing~ pa~y of ~a second pa~ hereinafte~ <br />~11ed ~e Subreciptent. <br /> <br /> ~S, the City of ConCord ts ~e Recipient of $259,000 <br />· 990 Co.unity Development Block Gr~t ~titlement funds from <br />U.S. Department of Housin~ an~ Ur~n Development; <br /> <br /> ~S, according to Co.unity Developm~t Block Grant Priam <br />Entitlement Grant R~lations up to 15% of ~e total Grant aw~d may <br />be a~en~et to support public ae~lce acti~ities; and <br /> <br /> ~s, ~e ~ard of Ald~en of ~e City of Concord has <br />approved a Grant ~oJect Budget Ordinance for the 1990 Co.unity <br />Development Block Grant ~ram which atlucate; to the $ubreciptent <br />S15,000 for the purpose of providing public se~lces/ and <br /> <br /> ~S, It is a requl~ent of the U.s. DePar~ant of Housing <br />and Urban Development ~at an aqre~ent shall be uxecuted by and <br />~tween the Rectpi~t and the Subrecipient evidencing ~e te~s of. <br />said allocation to ~e Subreciplent. <br /> <br />Subreciptent does hereby agree wl~ ~e Recipient <br /> (1) ;tatenent of <br /> <br /> ~e Ca~s County Depa~ent of Aging shall <br /> provide for ~a design and cons~ction of a <br /> Senior C~t~ In ~a City of Con.rd to <br /> elderly r~iden~ of Co~ty. <br /> awarRed to ~e Depar~ent of Agln~ shall ~ used <br /> <br /> Cent~. Const~ct~on of ~e ~ac~lity ~ ant~c~- <br /> ~ted to ~ completed ~ ~e s-~er of 199~. <br /> De~nd~ng u~n ~e rate of profess of cons~c- <br /> tion~ e~r ~a~ly pa~ts or a l~p <br /> parent shall ~ made to ~e Depar~ent of <br /> in ~e fo~ of a re~semeht. <br /> <br /> Total ~unds ~dg~te~ for avar~ to Aging <br /> shal~ ~ ~1~.000. Eligible activ~t~es to <br /> accomplished ~ Ag~ Se~lces wi~ these funds <br /> sha~l ~ Completed by Septet 30, ~991, at which <br /> <br /> ~a Subr~iptent shall maintain ac~ate and com- <br /> plete recor~ of ~e costs of providing for <br /> d~lgn and co~lon of ~a Senior C~ter. <br /> Su~ ~ecor~s shall i~olu~a~ but not ~ l~lte~ <br /> waqe rates an~ o~ da~ to confl~ compliance <br /> ~l~ ~a Davls-Ba~n Act, ~e Con~a~ Work <br /> <br /> pr~resses~ ~e Subreciplent 'shell m~a all <br /> <br /> Page i of 5 <br /> <br /> <br />