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records available to the Recipient and HUD In <br />order to assist the Reclpie~t ia meeting its <br />record-keeping and reporting requirements. <br /> <br />Proaram Income <br /> <br />No prog=am income is to be qenerated by funds <br />awarded to the Subrecipient. Funds are to- be <br />awarded on a reimbursement basis only. <br /> <br />uniform administrative requirements., Speclfi- <br />570.502 of the Community Development Block Grant <br /> <br />Other Proaram Reauirements <br /> <br /> (i) The Subrecipient does not assume the <br /> <br />(ii) The Subrecipient does not assume the <br /> Racipient's responsibility for initiating <br /> <br />~ond~t~ons for Relia~ous Oraan~zat~o,s <br /> <br />may ~t be deemed to be, a religious or denomlna- <br />tional ~nstitution or organization nor an orpani- <br /> <br />supervised or controlled by or in connection with <br />organization~ <br /> <br />Suspension and Ter~ination <br /> <br />In <br /> <br />ria11~ fails to Comply with an~ ter~ of the award, <br /> <br />Reversion of Assets <br /> <br />Subrec~pient shall transfer to the ~ccipient <br />any COBG funds on hand at the time of e~piration <br /> <br />use of CDBG funds. Any real property un,er the <br />improved in whole or in part with CDBG funds in <br /> <br /> (i) Used to meet one o£the national oh~sctiv~ <br /> <br /> period of time as d~term~ned appropriate by <br /> the Reclpient~ or <br /> <br /> -/ <br /> <br /> <br />