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m <br /> olal or appointed official of the Recipient, <br /> I or o£ any designated public agencies, or <br /> Subrecipiente which are receiving funds under <br /> <br /> I (d) Exceptions: threshold re~r~ts. Upon <br /> ~e ~lt2en ~e~est of ~ ReCiPf~t, ~D may <br /> ~ant an ~ceptfon ~o ~a prov~sions of para- <br /> graph (b)' of ~fs section on a case-b~-case <br /> ~sis wh~ ft datelines that such an <br /> ceptfon will Se~e to f~ ~a purposes <br /> o~ ~ AC~ and ~ effective and ~ff~ci~nt <br /> a~ln~s~at~on of ~e ReC~p~ent~s priam <br /> or project. ~ exception may be con, idled <br /> only aft~ ~e Rec~pient has provided <br /> <br /> A d~sclosure of ~e nature of the <br /> Co~fl~ct~ accompanied by an ass~ance <br /> ~at ~ere has been public disclosure <br /> how ~e public d~sclos~e was made~ <br />~ (~) ~ opinion of ~e Reclp~ent,s attorney <br /> ~at the interest for which ~e exce~ <br /> tton ~s sought would not v~01ate State <br /> <br /> (e) F~ctors %o be const~erea ~or exceptions. <br /> date~n~ng whe~er to gran~ a re~ested <br /> <br /> tor~ly met the requ~rement~ of paragraph <br /> of ~i~ ~ection~ ~ ~hal~ COnSider the <br /> c~ulative effect of ~e following factors~ <br /> m where applicable= <br /> <br /> (t) ~e~ ~e ~ception would provide a <br /> sig~lficant Cost bs~efi~ or an essen- <br /> tial degree of e~e~isa to the pro- <br /> gram or project which woul~ o~e~ise <br /> not ~ availablel <br /> <br /> ~e~er an op~rt~ity was provided <br />m for open competitive bidding or <br /> negotiation; <br /> <br /> ~e~er ~e person affected is a <br />m m~r of a group or class of low or <br /> ~ate Income p~sons intended to <br /> ~e b~eficiarl~ of ~e assisted <br /> activity, an~ ~s exception will p~- <br /> mit su~ person to ~eceive generally <br /> <br /> ~ing ~ade available o= provided to <br /> ~e ~roup or class; <br /> <br /> (iv) ~e~ ~e affected person has with- <br /> ~a~ from h~s or her functio~ or <br /> re~ponslb~litles, or ~e dec~slon- <br /> m~ng process v~ res~c~ to <br /> specific assisted activity <br /> (v) ~e~e~ ~e inter~t or ~efit was <br /> preset .~fore ~e affected ~rson <br /> paragraph (b) of ~ls section; <br />m ~age 4 of 5 <br /> <br /> <br />