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I)epto ut Enviro~ment~ Health, and ~atura! Resources <br /> Division o£ invironnmntal Ilealth <br /> ! <br /> HOgqOlTO CONTROL ~ORK PLA8 <br /> ICabarrus CoUnty Health Department June .20, 1990 <br /> (Applicant) (Date). <br /> <br /> Describe the surveillance and data gathering part of your program: <br /> <br /> We have 70 surveillance stations throughout the city of Concord and <br /> county to identify mosquitoes breeding population i~ the different areas of <br /> Cabarrus County. we-also identify about ]0 problem areas from complaints <br /> we receive from local residents to sst up our Landing Count Surveillance <br /> program. We also choose some of our larger recreational parks for landing <br /> <br /> · count surveillance and dip station surveillance. The most abundant mosquitoes <br /> <br /> in Cabarrus County are the Culex restuans and Culex quinquefasciatus. <br /> <br /> 2. Describe ~he public Information and education part o[, yp_u~r program: <br /> <br /> Work closely with the news media in articles in t~e local newspaper to <br /> <br /> ~ give the general public information o.~ .our mosquito._ program and to remind <br /> the public of their .responsibilities in mosquito .control by eliminating <br /> breeding areas around.the home. Assist and advise house-holders to practice <br /> mosquito control methods. %~ork aggressively to enforce regulation for elimination <br /> of roadside dumping and ~spectslly to eliminate large tire dumps. <br /> <br /> (Attach Additional Sheets t[ llecessary) <br /> <br /> · ~c the reverse side [or completion instructions. <br />I IIEIINR Form 295t~ (Rev. 6/90) <br /> Public Itenlth Pest Hunagemen~ - ~ ' "~ <br /> <br /> <br />