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Dspc, 'of~ EnVtron~en.c. )leal£.h, and Hs£uraZ Resources <br /> DtvlSto~ of Envt~6~mental llealth <br /> <br /> ~IosquITO CONTROL ,ORK P~ <br /> <br /> (COt~T1.UED) *' <br /> <br /> 3. Describe ~he larval mosquito coacro~ par~ of your program (include chemical, biolog~- <br /> cai and physical {uacer nmnagemenc] controls you use.): <br /> <br /> ~viciding Js conducted us~n~ Aros~rf NSF . I~ ~s used tn standin~ ~ater, <br /> old tires, and other attificial containers. And 70 dip st~tion~ ~re ident{fied <br /> throughout 'the counti- Mosquito control tn these areas <br /> larvl~iding'~w~th Arosurf ~SF when needed. <br /> <br />~ [ Adult m~4~i~o contiol- i~ a~hiev~d %y the u~e' of %itra 16~ ~ol~e (uLv) -:" <br /> sprayers dispensing concentrated insecticide (Ma~athton)' in ve~ fine droplets <br /> (m~cron ~e).-~ Al~o ds'ed are 4 '~n~ carried ULV sprgyers dispensing concentrated <br /> insecticia~'(~l~thion) in 'V~ry '~lne droplets {mfcr~size} for use'in and around <br /> homa for better coverage and ~on~ol of adult mosquito control. '' ' <br /> <br />(A~ach ~ditional Sbee~s if <br />See rh~ rev~6'std~* fog 'completion tnsrrucgtons.* ' - -~* ' ' ""' - <br /> <br /> ~ubl~c ,ealrh ~esC ~an~emenc <br /> <br /> <br />