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STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br /> LEASE <br /> ~OUNTY OF CARARRUS <br /> <br /> THIS LEASE AGKEEPagNT, ~ade and entered i~to this the ~$ day <br /> of ~C~ , 1990~ b~ and between Cabals of North Carolina, <br /> hereinafter designated as Lessor~ and the STA~ OF NOR~ C~OL~, hereinafter <br /> designated as Lessee, <br /> <br /> WITNESS ETH: <br /> <br /> ~T ~S, authorft~ to an~ excite this lease <br /> ~a~ ~elesated to the Depar~ent of A~infstratfon b~ resolution a~opted by the <br /> Governor and Coupefl of State on the 1st day of S~pt~b~r, 1981~ an~ <br /> <br /> ~, the De9ar~ent of A~fnfstratfon has deleEated to thi~ <br /> State aEeney the' authority to execute this lease aEre~t by a <br /> dated the 26th day of March, 1~82~ and <br /> <br /> W~, the parties hereto have ~t~lly aEree~ to the te~ of <br />~hfs lea~e aEre~t as ~erefnafter set out, <br /> <br /> ~.~OW T~O~, fn consideration of the r~tal ~erefnafter aEree~ to <br />~ paid and the te~ and co, dftfons hereinafter set fort~, ~sor does h~re~y <br />let an~ lease ~to L~see an~ ~ssee hereb~ tak~ and 1~ from Lessor for <br />e~d durinE the period of t~e and subject to t~e te~ and coalitions <br />hereinafter set out certain space fn ~abar~ ~o~ty, North Carolina, more <br />particularly d~cribe~ as follows: <br /> <br /> BEING 339 square feet of office and storaEe space in <br /> the ~ox Buil~fnE, loeate~ at 2326 Davt~son H~Ehway, <br /> Concord, North Carolf, a 28025. <br /> <br /> ~ ~S ~ ~ITIONS OF ~IS ~E AG~ ~E AS <br /> <br /> 1. ~e rem of this lease shall be for a perf~ of 2 ~ears a~,~ <br />months~ eo~neinE on the 1st ~a~ of Dec~r, 1990 or as soon t~er~fter as <br />t~e l~se~ praises are ee~e~ to the ~ssee, an~ te~fnatfnE on the 30th ~ay <br />of June, 1~9~. <br /> <br /> 2. ~e ~ssee shall 9ay to t~e ~sor a~ r~tal for saf~ <br />the s~ of $1,738.24 for ~=~r 1, 1990 th~ J~e 30,1~, which s~ s~all <br />~e paf~ fn equal ~,t~ly instal~ts of $2&8.32, saf~ r~tal to ~ <br />within fifte~ (15} ~ays from receipt of invof=e fn trfpli~ate. ~8f~fn <br />Jul~ ~, ~991 ~ J~e 30, ~92, the lessor shall pay as r~tal for <br /> <br />~stal~t~ of $265.73. ~Ef~inE Jul~ 1, ~992 th~ J~s 30, ~93, <br />~ssor shall pa~ as r~tal for sa~ praises t~e ~ of $3,285.24, whi=h <br />· ~all be pai~ ~n equal ~nt~l~ instal~ts of $2~3.~. <br /> <br /> <br />