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7. If the said premises be destrOyed by fire or other casualty, <br /> without fault of the Lessee, this lease shall immediately terminate arid 'the <br /> rent shall be apportioned to the time of the'damage. In case of partial <br /> destruction or damage by fire or other casualty without fault Of the LeSsee, <br /> so as to render the premises untenantable in whole or in parr, be <br /> an apportionment of the rent until the damage has been rePaired. During Such <br /> periods of repair, Lessee shall have the right to obtain similar office space <br /> at the expense of Lessee or the Lessee may terminate the lease by giving <br /> fifteen (15) days written notice to the Lessor. <br /> <br /> ' 8. Lessor shall be liable to Lessee for any loss or damages <br /> suffered by Lessee which are direct result of the failure ~f Lessor to perform <br /> an act required by this lease, and provided that Lessor could reasonably have <br /> complied with said requirement. <br /> <br /> 9. Upon termination of this lease, the Lessee will peaceably <br /> ~urrender the leased premises in a good order and condition as when <br /> received, reasonable use and wear and damage by fire, war, riots, <br /> ~nsurrection, public calamity, by the elements, by act Of God, or by <br /> circumstances over which Lessee had no control for which LeSsor is <br /> or <br /> responsible pursuant to this lease, excepted. <br /> <br /> 10. The Lessor agrees that the Lessee, upon keeping and performing <br /> the covenants and agreement herein contained, shall at all times during the <br /> 9xistence of this lease peaceably and quietly have, hold, and enjoy the leased <br /> premises free from the adverse claims of any person. <br /> <br /> 11. The failure of either party to insist in any instance upon <br />strict pcrfol~nance of any of the terms and conditions herein set forth shall <br />not be construed as a waiver of the same in any other instance. No <br />~odification of any provision hereof and no cancellation or surrender hereof <br />shall be valid unless in writing and signed and agreed to by both parties. <br /> <br /> 12. Any hold over after the expiration of the said term or any <br />extension thereof, shall be construed to he a tenancy from month to month, and <br />shall otherwise be on the terms and conditions herein specified, so far as <br />applicable; however, either party shall give not less than sixty (60) days <br />written notice to terminate the tenancy. <br /> <br /> 13. The parties to this lease agree and understand that the <br />6ontinuation of this lease agreement for the term period set forth herein, or <br />any extension or renewal thereof, is dependant upon and subject to the <br />appropriation, allocation or availability of funds for this purpose to the <br />agency of the Lessee responsible for payment of said rental. The parties to <br />this lease also agree that in the event the agency of the Lessee or that body <br />responsible for the appropriations of said funds, in. its sole discretion, <br />determines, in view of its total locaI office that available <br /> operations <br />funding for the payment of rents are insufficient for 'the continued operation <br />of all its office space, it may choose to terminate the lease agreement set <br />forth herein by giving Lessor written notice of said termination; and this <br />lease agreement shall terminate without any further liability to Lessee. <br /> <br /> <br />