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(3) Pro~rau ~ncone <br /> <br /> The ~ubreclplent shall not retain prograg Income. <br /> No pro, ram income is to be generated by funds <br /> awarded to the Subreclpient. Funds are to be <br /> a~arded on a reimbursement basis only. <br /> <br />(4) uniform Admin~stratiYe Reuuirements <br /> <br /> The SubreciPient shall comply with all applicable <br /> uniform administrative requirements. Speclfi- <br /> cally, OMB Circular A-121 and certain attachments <br /> to OMB circular A-110 as described in Section <br /> 570.50l of tha Com~unity Development Block Grant <br /> Pr°gremEntitlementGrant'egulati°ns'c°PieS°f <br /> which are attached hereto. <br /> <br />(5) Other Prouram Reouire~ents <br /> <br /> The Subrsclpient shall carry out each activity in <br /> compliance with all Federal lays and regulations <br /> described in sub-Part K of the Entitleaent Grant <br /> Regulations, except that: <br /> <br /> (i) The SUbrecipient does not assume the <br /> Reciptent's environ~ental responsibilities <br /> described in Section 5~0.6041 and <br /> <br /> (ii) Tho Subrocipient does not assume the <br /> leciplent's responsibility for initiating <br /> the review process under Executive order <br /> 12372. <br /> <br />(6) Condi~ons for Relialous Oroanizattons <br /> <br /> The Suhreotpient represents that it is not, nor <br /> may it be deemed to be, a religious or denomina- <br /> tional institution or organization nor an organi- <br /> zation operated for religious purposes which is <br /> supe~ised or controlled by Or in co~ulectlon with <br /> a religious or denominational institution or <br /> organization; <br /> <br />(7) Susoe~sion and Termination <br /> <br /> In accordance with 24 CFR ~5.43, suspension or <br /> ter~ination may occur if the subrecipient mate- <br /> ria11y fails to comply with Shy term of tho award, <br /> and the award may be ter~inated for convenience in <br /> accordance with 24 CFR 85,44. <br /> <br />(8] Reversion of Assets <br /> <br /> the expiration of this agreement, the <br /> Upon <br /> subrecipient shall transfe~ to the ~ecipient <br /> any CDB~ funds on hand at the time of expiration <br /> and any accounts receivable at~lbutable to the <br /> uss of CDB~ funds. Any zeal property under the <br /> Subrecipiant'e control that was acquired or <br /> Improved in whole or ia part with CDBG funds in <br /> excess of $25,000 is either: <br /> <br /> (i) Used to meet one of the national ohJeutives <br /> in section S?0.10a until five years after <br /> expiration of the Agreement, cr such longer <br /> period of rims as determined appropriate by <br /> the Recipient; or <br /> <br /> (ii) Is disposed of in a ~anner which results in <br /> the Recipient bein~ rsh~ursed in ihs amount <br /> of the current fair market value of the <br /> <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br /> <br /> <br />