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property less any portion thereof attrib- <br /> utable t° expenditures of non-cOBG funds <br /> for aquisition of, or improvement to, the <br /> property. Such reimbursement is not re- <br /> quired after the perio~ of time specified in <br /> accordance with (i} above. <br /> <br />(9) Conflict of Interest <br /> <br /> (a) Aooltcabilitv <br /> <br /> (i) In the proCUrement of supplies, equip- <br /> <br /> the RecIpient~ and by Subrsciplents <br /> [inclUding those specified at SectiOn <br /> 570.204 (c), the conflict of interest <br /> provisions in 24 CF~ 8S.36 and OMB <br /> Circular A-110, respectively, shall <br /> apply. <br /> <br /> (tl) In ail cases not governed by 24 CFI~ <br /> <br /> provisions of this section shall <br /> apply. Such cases include the acqui- <br /> sition and disposition of real prop- <br /> erty and the provision of assistance <br /> by the Recipient, by its Subrecip- <br /> <br /> and other private entities under <br /> eligible activities which authorize <br /> such assistance (e.g., rehabilitation, <br /> <br /> private properties or facilities <br /> <br /> businesses, individuals and other <br /> private entities pursuant to Section <br /> <br /> 570.455). <br /> <br /> prohibits~. ~xcept for the use of <br /> CDBG funds to pay salaries and other related <br /> <br /> genoral rule ~s that no persons described in <br /> paragraph (c) of this section who exercise or <br /> have exercised any functions or responsibili- <br /> ties with respect to CDSG activities assisted <br /> under this part or who are in a position to <br /> participate in a decision-making process or <br /> gain inside information with regard to such <br /> activities, may obtain a personal or finan- <br /> cial interest or benefit from a CDBG assiated <br /> activity, or have an interest in any con- <br /> <br /> for themselves or those with whom they have <br /> f~011y or business ties, during their tenure <br /> <br /> program, the above restrictions shall apply <br /> to all activities that are a part of tho UDAG <br /> project, and shall cover any such interest or <br /> benefit during, or at any time after, such <br /> <br /> (c) Persons covered. The conflict of interest <br /> Provisions of paragraph (b) of this section <br /> apply to any person who is an employee, <br /> <br /> cia1 or appointed official of the Recipient, <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br /> <br /> <br />