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INTRODUCTION <br /> <br /> In order to qualify for funds a~rnin/stered by [h~ North Cawlina Department of Trampu~lat/on <br />(NCDOT), Public Transpo~ation Divlsion (PI'D), non-~banized counties must lucre a cun~nt <br />Tram'porlation D~velopment Plan (TI)P) which is adopled by ~he County Commissionem and approved <br />by ti~ Pi'i). If [he county/s to be competitive in ohiaining [he funds for new yeh/cl~ available under <br />Section 15 of the Urban Mass Transpo~tlun Ac~, implementation of the adopte, d TDP recommandations <br />must be Scheduled. A YDP is developed w/Ih a four-year planning horizon, and i~lulres an updale <br />end of lhai ~ime. <br /> Until early 1990, Cabarms County had never completed and adopled a TDP, and so had been <br />unable to apply for these s~ale and Federal pwgrams to expand and impwve public ~mspu~lation in <br />Courtly. However, a number of human sentic~ agcnc/es provided transpomtion to clients in ~he County <br />under various pwgrams; and some of the agencies have hnplemented some of the ~comm~ndal/uns made <br />in previous Wans~flalion planning effofls, d~plle [he lack of a formally adop~..d TDP. <br /> In order to ex2rnlne [he curren! availabil/~y of lranslX)i'~fion in 'lhe County, explore options for <br />more efllcien~ and effective transpoflzlion, and become eligible for sia~e public Wansportation funding, [he <br />County applied lo the Shale fur plunning funds lo develop a '!DP. Ecosometrics, Incorporaled, of <br />Belhesdn, Matyland, was chosen to prepare fl~ plan under a conlracl wilh [he NCDOT, PTD. Wi[h [he <br />help of a locally-appuin~ed $~eerlng Commil~te, a plan was dev¢inped and presented lo ~he County <br />Commissioners in FebmMy of 1990. 11 was formally adopled by the County, making Cabarms eligible <br />for UMTA/NCDOT vehicle replacemenl funding. <br /> While [he TDP produced an hnplemeniable plan tha~ reel as many of Caharms County's <br />Iranspoflation goah as possible, and opera'ed within the identified operational and fiscal conslminls, ii did <br />no! address [he possibility of a major need for expansion to serve unanficipaled programs. In December <br />of Ii)90, planning for impl~rnenlafion of [he .lOBS program Ihroup~h [he County's Depa~men! of Social <br />Services led to 0lc v~Iz~on thai as man), as two-thirds of an e. slimaied 200 clienl~ Co), Iul)' of 1991) <br />would need lrenSlx)na~on to Iraining and jobs. In addition, ~ansporlalino lo child care for Iheir children <br />will also be meded, adding a number of daily Ir!ps. The number of clienls is anticipaled lo grow 1o 350 <br /> <br /> <br />