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im~mL needs, and how they impact the existing and planned transporlatiun services in thc County. <br /> Any changes in thc goals and objcctivas for transportation scrvic~ in Cabanas County, unmct <br /> needs, and problemS/concerns associated with thc exisdng u-an.~oaadon system would also <br /> be addressed at this lime. <br /> <br /> 3. Identify Major Origins and Destinations for JOBS program, and hdd ~o 0~osc in the <br /> <br /> 4. Evaluation of Cra'rent S)'$tem end CapabUlt~es ~ handle exp~dcd nce~s, <br /> De~rm~n~liun of Typo of Se~v~cg/Scrvlce Level for ~OBS <br /> I~[~ a.' Av~ablc capacity on cu~cnt human scrvico agency <br /> <br /> b. Es~matc thc number o£ ~dditional vchlclcs, mi~cs and hou~ needed to mcat JOBS <br /> program needs over thc next tWo years. <br /> <br /> c, Determin~ whether or not consolidation of other agency services would take place <br /> conourrenlly with tho expal~on, i.e., would thc /}'stem nc. ed capacity to mcat other <br /> 1l agency needs as well <br /> d. Evaluate Current Program. <br /> <br />In 5.. Develop ~unagement Operational Improve Jyslem <br /> and <br /> Alternatives <br /> to <br /> the <br /> Current <br /> and <br /> - - Provide Ex'panded Services, ~ased on pn:vioosly stated goals and ob. iectivea, interest by the <br /> '?-p~vate sector and human service agenci~ ~ pmvidMg the sen~ce, sen'ica level <br /> -L~"_' ~eitnalnation, and concerns/problems with the cra-tent method of service delivery, develop <br /> ~'. al!ematives for providing ~ JOBS Iran. spoliation services and any other agency services to <br /> :~: be consolidated. An asdmat~ of the cost (including ~cvlew of lbo cost of the cuntnt level of <br /> ~-...~i':['.'~rvlce) of providing the servlc~ w~l be pmvidod w~th enough detail to allow the <br /> County <br /> !~.:.. make a thorough examination of each a.1~mative. Wl~.le other options wR1 be conside~:l, the <br /> · .~:' major a~tema~ves ~o be add~.ssed include: <br /> <br /> a. l~l'ivate Sector Managemen! and Operation. Current County services, other <br /> ' ' .. consolidated agency services, and the JOBS servicas conid be consoUdated and an ~ <br /> issued for private sector management and oporadon of the system under contract to <br /> County. A Transportation Advisory Board wou.ld monitor service and provide policy <br /> I guidance. A County s~affmember would have to be assigned to oversc~ the conL, ant~ng <br /> pn~.ess and monitor the con~acL The vehicle fl~.t usod by the pr~vaie contractor would <br /> include curt'eat County-o~ed ve~cles (under lease), and ve~clas to be provided by the <br /> :: pfiva~ opora~or under contract. <br /> <br /> b. Expanded County Transportation Program* The currenl County trap. sponalion pmgr, tm <br /> "~ would be expanded into a lager transportation program with a tran~t manager pos~tiun <br /> · ovets~ing the program. Addlt]unal vans would be leased by the County for usc tn the <br /> ~ syst~m, undaddMonnlddve~sb]redand~. Ou~erexpans]onofsUtfffordlspatch]ng <br /> and other ad~ninistrative functions wou~d also be addressed, as wou}d main~nance <br /> ~" reclu~tments. <br /> <br /> <br />